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Health Nature's Way

Soothing Fever, Alone or with Help? Unlocking Nature's Power in a Sick Child

In sickness and in health - such is the commitment to care, nurturing and to love that each parent makes towards a child. The health part is manageable, but when sickness strikes it can get scary. Yet this is when Nature's power can shine brightest of all. Natural healing views the doctor's and the parent's role in caring for a sick child as that of a helper. It sees illness - from vomiting to measles to a simple cold - as a manifestation of the body's attempt to eliminate whatever does not belong to it, and by doing so restore order and balance. It also recognizes that the only true healing can come from within. And it identifies the helper's role as that of supporting the body of the sick child in what it is attempting to do - to banish the microbe, remove the poison from his system, readjust hormonal balance or whatever else happens to be necessary to restore equilibrium. When I was young, I was lucky to become good friends with a handful of inspired doctors who not only understood the theory behind natural healing, but some of whom had been practicing it for as much as half a century. The techniques they taught me - from using a compress to quell a fever or calm vomiting, to methods of hydrotherapy for treating earache and athletic injuries - have served me well not only in helping all four of my children to heal themselves, but in helping myself and many others too. Each of these techniques, in its own way, supports the body's own wisdom in healing and/or helps the sick child feel more relaxed and comfortable while healing takes place. beware of antibiotics Antibiotics are great for life-threatening diseases. To employ them for anything less can be a big mistake. Thanks to their overuse by doctors in the past 30 years, malevolent microbes which they were designed to kill have fought back valiantly by developing strains of resistant super bugs. As a result, what once were easily treated bacterial ailments now often do not respond to drugs. Antibiotics are also completely useless in the treatment of viral conditions such as colds, even though some doctors still prescribe them. When they do work on bacterial conditions they not only kill the bacteria they have been designed to kill, they also wipe out a lot of the `good guys' too - helpful bacteria which are part of a child's intestinal flora, on which the continued competence of his immune system depends. I, like the doctors from whom I have learned about natural healing, do not give them to my children. The only way I would ever consider using antibiotics would be in case of a disease which was literally life-threatening and even then I would only do it after consulting a handful of doctors in whose judgment I trust, one of whom would be my second son, Jesse, who is himself a doctor. If for any reason your child has to be treated with antibiotics, it is wise for up to six weeks afterwards to give him supplements of enteric bacteria including acidophilus to help recolonize the good intestinal flora they will have destroyed. the healing power of fever Illness is his body's attempt to reestablish balance and harmony both energetically and biochemically. When it strikes, whether it be cold or sore throat, or childhood disease such as chickenpox or German measles, the parent of a Nature's child is most concerned with how to work together with the child's own natural processes of healing: First, to help speed recovery without causing long term health risks, and second, to help the child be as comfortable and pain free as possible while healing is taking place. Let's look at fever first since that is the thing most parents are most frightened of. Fever is not something which needs, as most parents these days believe, to be suppressed the moment it appears using aspirin or other drugs - for fear it will damage the child. Far from it. Fever is a sign that your child's body is trying to burn off something which is not supposed to be there - a virus for instance, a bacteria, or some element in his food or his environment to which his body takes exception. When an infection develops, your child responds by manufacturing new white blood cells called leukocytes, whose purpose is the destruction of viruses and bacteria and the elimination of wastes and other damaging materials from his body. Then white blood cells become very active in his body - dashing to the site of infection to fight the `baddies'. In the process - which is known as leukotaxis - certain chemicals called pyrogens are released, designed to raise body temperature and make the cleansing more efficient. So important a part does this rise in temperature - fever - play in the process of healing, that artificially created fevers have been used throughout history as a way of treating illness in people who do not have the vitality to produce high enough fevers in themselves. Luckily, kids do. One of the reasons children develop such high fevers when they are ill is that their bodies are enormously vital. That is also why a child can get very sick suddenly, as well as why the sickness will frequently clear just as rapidly. Governed from within, the natural process of healing in a vital young body is intense and highly efficient. As we get older, our bodies lose that efficiency so we heal less rapidly and less effectively. We are taught that 98.6 F is the normal temperature. Yet temperatures vary from person to person. They also depend on how the temperature has been taken - for instance by mouth, under the arm, or rectally. Generally speaking the best - and safest - way of taking a young child's temperature is axillary - by tucking the thermometer in the fold beneath his armpit and leaving it there for five minutes. It is far safer than trying to do it rectally and risk damaging the child, or putting a thermometer into his mouth where he might crunch on it and break it. Not all fevers are dangerous, nor is the degree of your child's temperature much measure of how sick he is. Unless there are other symptoms such as great listlessness, difficulty in breathing, severe pain or some other sign which could indicate the presence of a serious illness such as meningitis or diphtheria, doctors who use natural methods of treating illness will wisely tell you that you should keep an eye on the fever but leave well enough alone. hot for what? There are lots of reasons why your child may develop a fever - overexposure to heat as a result of being too bundled up (particularly in babies), a reaction to food or some poisonous substance, too much sun, a long journey, changes in the weather, a tooth breaking through, over-excitement. If you suspect that he has swallowed some poisonous substance, you need to seek medical help immediately. And in newborn babies, it is important to pay more attention to fever and get a doctor's advice since there is always the chance of an infection having developed as a result of fetal monitoring during birth, or forced obstetric procedures, such as the overmedication of women in labor. Most fevers, however, occur as a result of viral or bacterial infection and are part of the body's own immune response to invasion which, left alone, the body will clear. When your child is running a temperature it is important to make sure he is not dehydrated since the perspiration, runny nose, vomiting and diarrhea which often accompany fever can deplete his body of fluid. This is easy to do by giving plenty of cool water and pure fruit juice - not the so-called fruit drinks which contain sugar and other additives. brain damage and other fears Ninety five percent of childhood fevers never reach 105F, which to many parents represents the so-called danger level. In fact, a fever of 105F which in an adult is extremely high can be quite normal in a child who is fighting off infection. The greatest fear most parents have of fever is that it will cause convulsions. In truth, it is not the size of a fever which is indicative of the likelihood of convulsion but the rapidity with which it rises. If you have ever seen a child in a convulsive seizure it can be a very frightening thing to witness. I have lived through a number - strangely enough, not with my own children, but with other people's. In the midst of watching a child in the throws of convulsion, it is hard to remember that this kind of seizure is uncommon, and that even when it does occur it seldom results in any serious side effects. For instance, in one large study involving 1706 children who had experienced febrile convulsions, not one of them suffered death or motor defects. My doctor friends have always taught me to work with fever, to allow it to burn through while making sure it does not get high enough to cause seizures. This practice was first introduced to me by my grandmother who looked after me when I was sick as a child. She kept my fevers within `safe' range by sponging my body every hour or so with cool water. In the beginning when I had a sick child I would ring one of my doctor friends, worried by my child's temperature and his crying and say, `My son is ill, should I bring him to see you?' After asking me a few questions such as, `How high is his temperature? When did it start? Is he eating?' and so forth, the doctor would advise me to keep an eye on him, give him plenty of fluids and use a compress around his middle to keep the fever under control. So that was what I did. And it has worked beautifully. the abdominal compress This is one of the most effective techniques for helping to eliminate wastes from the body and to keep fever under control while it carries out its job of cleansing. Applying cold water around the middle of the body in the form of a compress charges the local cells with energy, activates circulation and stimulates the liver - the body's organ of detoxification - so that stored wastes can be released more efficiently. Here's how: Tear a piece of old cotton cloth wide enough to reach from under your child's arms down to his hips and long enough to wrap around him once comfortably. An old cotton sheet or pillowcase (not nylon or cotton and polyester) is ideal. Dip the cloth into cold water and wring it out. Then wrap it around the child's middle and secure with safety pins. Wrap a thick dry towel around this and put him into a warm bed. You may want to put a pair of thick socks on him, too. It is important that he doesn't feel cold. Keep it on him for half an hour. If he drops off to sleep for the night you can remove the compress in the morning. Repeat several times a day as needed depending upon the level of his temperature. don't insist your child eats When animals are ill they stop eating. So do children. This is a natural part of their body's attempt to heal itself. It is also a source of great concern to parents. It shouldn't be - especially during an acute illness. Your child's body knows that its energies should be directed towards clearing itself of viruses, bacteria, or what have you, which lie at the core of his illness. To put unwanted food into a body in such circumstances is not only unhelpful, it can actually undermine the healing process by making your child's body turn its attention away from the elimination processes to having to deal with digestion and assimilation - both of which take a lot of energy. Instead, offer him plenty of water and fruit or carrot juices - preferably made fresh with a juice extractor - and keep him in bed until he gets better. Freshly made juices require almost no energy to be assimilated yet they carry a high degree of structural information for health and healing, including many of the most important vitamins and minerals such as beta carotene, which helps strengthen immunity, and vitamin C. Such juices also encourage the elimination of toxicity from the body. Your child can literally live on juices alone during any minor illness. Most kids love them. I also believe in a lot of tender loving care when your child is sick. Massaging his feet with a little ordinary kitchen oil while he lies in bed well covered can be a wonderful way of giving it. You don't need to know how. There isn't any right way, it is just a matter of intuitively letting your hands follow where they want to go. It is enormously soothing, and helps draw the negative energy in his body down towards the feet to be eliminated from his body. It also helps reassure him that you are there and love him, in a way that words can never do. waterpower Hydrotherapy can help too. Particularly if he has an earache - a condition which is agonizing yet rarely dangerous. This technique was taught me by one of the doctors I admire most in the world, Gordon Latto, who has looked after my family - mostly by phone - for almost thirty years. I have used it again and again - for earache in kids, for conjunctivitis myself, for headaches and for childhood and adult athletic injuries to ankles and legs and feet. It, too, works on the principle of drawing energy downwards in the body. In doing so, it not only relieves pain, but also congestion. Finally it increases circulation to the leg and feet area, speeding any healing that is needed there, say, from a turned ankle at football practice. Here's how: Take two buckets large enough to put the child's feet in and deep enough to submerge his legs up to the knee. Fill the first with water as hot as he can take. Fill the second with cold water. Let him plunge his calves and feet into the hot water and stay there for 3 minutes. Then get him to take them out and put them into the cold water for 30 seconds, then back immediately into the hot again (you might have to top up with more hot before you do since it does tend to cool down during the procedure). Do this until you have repeated both hot and cold three times, ending with cold. While this is going on, it is important he is kept warm. Make sure he is in a warm room and that his body is well clothed, so that on no account is he allowed to get chilled. Immediately afterward, put warm socks on his feet and pop him into bed. Repeat this procedure three times a day - or even more often when there is pain. care for colds and coughs In the tradition of natural medicine, a cold is considered the body's most common way of eliminating waste from the system rapidly. In addition to offering a child fresh raw fruit juices I have always given extra supplements of vitamin C and beta carotene - the precursor to Vitamin A - which comes in good quantity in carrots and green vegetables. Both are natural anti-viral agents. I like to give children these nutrients in supplement form (but in much smaller quantities) when they are healthy too, as a way of helping to support their immune system so they become resistant to disease. One of the most important things I have learned from some of my doctor friends has been that at the first sign of a sniffle you cut out any and all dairy products from a child's diet - milk, yogurt, cream, butter, cheese, and any other food which might even have the tiniest bit of any of these things in it. This helps speed recovery and stops even more mucous from forming. Aromatherapy can help with colds too. If you have a little aromatherapy burner - the kind you put water into the top of then light a candle underneath - you can add a few drops of tea tree oil to the water and let its molecules fill the room to help ease a child's breathing. Sage is another essential oil good for this. Both have anti-microbial properties. If you don't have a burner, try heating a saucepan on the stove. When it is steaming drop five or six drops of the essential oil into the water. (Be sure to keep it well out of harm's way in the room your child is in and never leave it unattended with a young child.) You can also fill a basin with hot water, drop some essential oil into it and let the child put his head, covered loosely by a towel, over the steam for five minutes several times a day to clear his head. Manuka Honey with a little lemon juice is excellent for sore throats. This honey, from New Zealand, is unique in the world. It has been shown to destroy many strains of bacteria including staphylococcus, streptococcus, staphaureus - even heliobacter pylori, the bacteria associated with peptic ulcers. Mix it with a little fresh lemon juice and give it on a teaspoon as a soothing linctus. choose supplements carefully When choosing a multiple vitamin or mineral supplement for your child, be careful. His body has a natural affinity for vitamins and minerals as they occur in Nature and are found in wholesome fresh unprocessed foods, not for the synthetic form. Not all vitamins and minerals are the same. The human body cannot easily absorb most of the synthetic, chemical vitamins on the market. And regardless of what the labels say about being `natural', the truth is almost every vitamin you can buy these days is synthetic, and therefore not very bio-available. This means your body or your child's body can absorb very little of them, because the chemical form of vitamins is so different from the natural form you find in good wholesome food. `Food-state' vitamins are different. They are grown instead of being chemically made, using a unique bio-tech process which allows living plant cells to take up vitamin concentrates and transform them into a form the human body can easily assimilate and use. This means you don't have to go for megadoses to get real benefits. Food-state nutrients are particularly good for children. They are the only kind I give mine. I began with a liquid multi vitamin and mineral when they were babies (plus some extra vitamin C) and then gradually increased the amounts as they grew. At 12 for instance, I gave Aaron two 250 milligram tablets of food-state vitamin C a day with his breakfast along with a food-state multiple vitamin and mineral. During the winter months, I also give him one or two 4.5 milligram tablets of beta carotene a day. So protective an influence can vitamin A exert, and so supporting is it to a child's immune system, that a recent study published in the British Medical Journal states that vitamin A may also play an important role in those with life threatening infections. While on the subject of protection, I would never let my children drink fluoridated water. There is too much evidence that, while it does help protect against dental carries, it has also been implicated in the development of degenerative conditions later in life. I believe it is far better to have a child's teeth painted with fluoride once every 6 months at the dentist if you want, or to give him fluoride toothpaste to use. Then at least it doesn't pervade his whole system. herbs and homeopathy I use only a few herbs. I find that red sage, for instance, over which you have poured boiling water and allowed to steep for ten minutes then let cool for later use, makes an excellent gargle for an older child (or adult) with any kind of head or throat or chest infection. Mint tea sweetened with a little honey can do wonders for upset tummies and flatulence. So can the American Indian herb slippery elm, which you mix with a little warm water and add some honey to (preferably Manuka). With older children in bed with any kind of head or throat or chest infection, I also ask them to place a small clove of garlic - complete with its skin coating - between the cheek and the teeth inside their mouth and to keep it there for an hour morning and night. (Not possible if they are up and about or too young since they might choke.) Garlic kills the `nasties' quickly and efficiently. I use only a little homeopathy, it is all I find I need. I use Arnica 30 for instance. It is good for shock, or any kind of injury or emotional upset. I give two tablets immediately and then two every half hour until the crisis has passed. The second remedy I like is Aconite 30, which I give every three or four hours when there is fever to help in the cleansing process that is taking place. Long ago I put together what in the family is known as `Mummy's First Aid Kit'. There you will find vitamin C, some zinc and beta carotene, herbs and homeopathics, plus a compress or two torn from an old sheet, a couple of unipolar magnets and crepe bandages for helping to heal bruises and sprains. It goes everywhere with us throughout the world and has become so popular as a result of being used by children and adults outside the family that I have been forced to put together several for other people as well. Of course, it won't fix broken legs. And if my child's fever suddenly shot up to 106 in the space of an hour or there was any emergency I felt incapable of handling I would be on the phone in a minute for help from the doctor. But for over thirty years, this little collection of things - together with some hydrotherapy, a good dollop of patience, great respect for Nature's ways and a lot of tender loving care - has been all that was required to see my kids through everything that has ailed them. All I can ever hope to be is a helper. It is Nature that does the real work.

Nourishing Body & Soul

Nurturing Nature's Child: Unlocking Your Child's Optimal Health

Being healthy means a lot more than just not being sick. A child that is healthy experiences a sense of grace in his life. He feels at ease. He has access to all of his being - his imagination, his intellect, his physical strength, and his ability to connect with the world around him through his senses. Buoyant health depends on there being a high degree of biochemical and emotional order in his life. These days, such order is not always easy to come by. It begins with the way you feed your child, and ends with creating structures for his day to day life that establish a safe arena - emotionally, physically and spiritually - in which he can operate. When you do, the child develops a sense of trust in himself, a huge resistance to illness, and a sense of real connection with his outside world as well as an excitement about his life and what is going to happen next. This is what real health is all about - nurturing Nature's child, body and soul.

See And Feel Its Power

Discover the Power of Astaxanthin: 65x Stronger Than Vitamin C!

How much do you know about astaxanthin? It is one of the most important nutritional supplements ever created. This fat-soluble antioxidant has been much studied. One of 700 different carotinoids it may well be the most powerful antioxidant in existence. It is 65 times more powerful than Vitamin C. It brings effective support to the brain, helping to protect it from abnormal functioning. It helps protect from cellular damage to the eyes and the skin as a result of exposure to excess UV sunlight. It may even slow the proliferation of breast cancer cells. Astaxanthin is a super anti-inflammatory as well. Athletes—from weekend enthusiasts to endurance runners and pro boxers—sing its praises for the stamina it brings them. Astaxanthin is derived from part of Haematoccous pluviallis, the algae which gives flamingos and wild salmon their orangy-pink color. It helps the algae survive when they dry out in the baking sun by creating a protective energy field. [video src=http://d1vg7rm5xhtxe9.cloudfront.net/video/sd/astaxanthin.mp4 poster=http://d3oy45cyct8ffi.cloudfront.net/health/video/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2013/08/astaxanthin1.jpg ] Nutrex BioAstin Hawaiian Astaxanthin Evidence emerging from clinical studies indicates that astaxanthin may even go a long ways to help protect us from nuclear radiation. Finally, it’s an effective internal supplement helping to keep skin strong and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. I take it daily and have for several years—2 capsules of Nutrex BioAstin Hawaiian Astaxanthin 4mg each day. Order Nutrex BioAstin Hawaiian Astaxanthin from iherb ORDERING FROM IHERB.COM: If you decide to order any products from Iherb.com, you will automatically receive $5 or $10 off your first order. Their products are the cheapest and best in the world…I use them for everything no matter where I am. Get it sent to you via DHL. It will be with you in three to four working days… iHerb.com ship all over the world very cheaply.

Keto-Adaptation Miracle Of Nature

Revealed: How To Reactivate Ancient Process of Keto-Adaptation To Protect Yourself From Devastating Conditions

Recent metabolic research has brought to light a powerful, health-transforming natural process developed out of 2 million years of human evolution. So far, few people have heard about it. Before the agricultural revolution, we humans had been exposed only to minute levels of carbohydrates. Today, we eat masses of them. As a consequence, more than a third of us are obese, and suffer from widespread degenerative conditions, from cancer and heart disease to Type II diabetes and Alzheimer's. What if we knew how to reactivate an innate process within the body that brings energy to our cells, organs and metabolic pathways, while helping to protect us from the devastating destruction to human health taking place throughout the world? Take a breath. This is not only possible. It is slowly beginning to happen. TWO PATHS FOR ENERGY There are two fundamental processes by which your body creates energy for life. It can draw fuel from glucose when we eat carbs and sugar. Or, it can draw fuel from our relying on fat. More about this in a few moments. For generations, the powers-that-be have been pointing us down the glucose path. We’ve been told to eat bread and pasta, potatoes and sugar. We’ve been urged to get a minimum of 130 grams of carb foods a day. (Actually, most people eat two or three times that amount of carbs every day.) We’ve also been told that glucose is brain fuel which we need lots of for it to function well. Up-to-date top quality research studies carried out in the past 10 years show quite clearly that such advice is wrong. Our following it has resulted in a worldwide pandemic of degenerative conditions. It’s not easy to admit that the nutritional advice they have been handing out to us for more than fifty years has been wrong. As a result, vital truths about human health continue to be treated as though they were fringe concepts. CARBOHYDRATE INTOLERANCE The truth is, people vary widely in their ability to handle carbs without succumbing to obesity, food cravings and degenerative diseases. We all know about gluten intolerance. We deal with it by staying away from gluten. Then there’s lactose intolerance, which we handle by limiting dairy products. But, in truth, the greatest problem most of us face right now is carbohydrate intolerance. What should we be doing about this? Simple. Cut way back on the carbs we eat. When necessary, eliminate them. The degree of carbohydrate intolerance we suffer from depends fundamentally on how insulin resistant our body is. I’ve witnessed this first-hand during the last five years working closely with thousands of people on Cura Romana. After completing the rapid weight loss— Essential Spray + Food Plan—part of the program, a small number of people discover as they enter Consolidation that they can metabolize carbohydrates reasonably well provided they don’t eat them too often. A second group—the majority—discover they have to carry out careful testing to identify those carbs which their body can manage in small quantities as well as those which need to be eliminated from their life permanently. Finally, there are people with a high level of carbohydrate intolerance who discover that they need to cut out carbs and sugar from their diet altogether to support the lean and healthy experience which they discovered while on Cura. KETO-ADAPTATION It’s time to meet the second metabolic process for energy production: Keto-adaptation. This is the remarkable process that the body goes through when only exposed to limited carbohydrate foods. Keto-adaptation is characterized by the body switching over to use fat as fuel for energy. It’s a process that can take several weeks as the shift from glucose to fat burning happens. What are ketones? They are natural by-products of the breakdown of free fatty acids in the liver. Small energy-containing substances derived from fatty acids, they are able to provide fuel for all our tissues, including the brain. When these ketones are produced at high rates, they accumulate in the bloodstream. This results in the state known as ketosis—a metabolic state characterized by an increase in ketone production usually marked by blood levels greater than 0.5mmol/L. Becoming keto-adapted requires that you restrict your intake of carbohydrate foods—including sugar, of course—below a certain level, so your cells and mitochondria can change over from using glucose to using fat as fuel. The level of carbohydrate restriction at which a person’s body is able to enter into a ketotic state varies tremendously. Some people only need to restrict their carbs to 50 or 100 grams a day to spur this metabolic transformation. Others must restrict carb intake to as little as 20 grams to spur the process. The reason that keto-adaptation takes time—usually two to six weeks—to establish as the body’s new metabolic process is that metabolic change must take place at every level. NEW FANGLED—NO WAY Far from some weird 21st century invention, a keto-adaptation is an ancient practice for which the human body has already been metabolically programmed. We had just forgotten how to access it. Recent studies into ultra low-carb keto-adaptation show that this process has profound implications for high-level wellbeing. Here are a few of the benefits that can take place when a body switches out of a carb/sugar metabolism into a ketone/fatty acid one: While cancer cells tend to proliferate on a sugar-based metabolism, when switched over to fatty acids and ketones, tumor growth often regresses. The switch is being associated with life extension and may even slow the aging process. It quells free radical damage. It enhances athletic performance. Keto-adapted long distances runners don’t experience “hitting the wall”—the brains fuel crisis that has non keto-adapted athletes reaching for glucose based drinks and gels just to keep going. It brings about regressions in Type II Diabetes. It heightens gene expression. It increases mental clarity. It fosters emotional balance. It increases work output. It increases a body’s antioxidant defenses. Most of the mainstream medical community remains ignorant about the profound benefits of keto-adaptation. They confuse this kind of nutritional ketosis with ketoacidosis—a dangerous side effect of Type I Diabetes, during which ketone production reaches levels above 10 mmo/L. Nutritional keto-adaptation is completely different and perfectly safe. ANCIENT METABOLITES An ingrained characteristic of human metabolism, ketones—which consist of beta-hydroxybutyrate (BOHB) and acetoacetate (AcAc) —are as old as humanity itself. They are naturally produced by the liver whenever the intake of carbohydrate foods becomes limited. Then they are released into the blood. This natural metabolic program has been silenced since the time of the agricultural revolution, when carbohydrate foods began to be available. So important are these archaic ketone molecules that they provide the human brain with a superior fuel source to support its functions. Some researchers believe that keto-adaptation is likely to have been at least in part responsible for homo sapiens developing the big brain which distinguishes us from our animal friends. Every one of us, regardless of age, has the capability of producing ketones. But unless we are following a low-carbohydrate way of living, this remarkable ketogenic program continues to be suppressed. So long as we continue to eat a lot of carbohydrate foods, the body doesn’t have an opportunity to boot up and run its keto-adaptation process. The long term assertion that only glucose can fuel the brain adequately is completely untrue. Thanks to beta-hydroxybutyrate (BOHB), up to 3/4 of the energy the brain needs can come from ketones. In fact, they are by far the most stable and sustainable fuel source available for the brain. CRACKING THE CODE As far back as the Middle Ages and even earlier, a ketogenic diet has been used to treat illnesses, including childhood epilepsy. The natural treatment came out of the discovery that a complete fast can help prevent epileptic seizures in children. But since there was no way of sustaining a fast indefinitely, most especially in growing kids, a ketogenic diet became a viable alternative. It still is. In the 1920s researchers, discovered that when they fed children on a diet low in carbohydrates, high in fat and gave them just enough protein for growth, the children were able to maintain ketosis for long periods of time. By doing so, pediatric epilepsy came under control while drugs and other treatments failed. Then in the 1930s, 40s and 50s, new drug treatments were developed for epilepsy and the use of the ketogenic diet dwindled for a time. CHARLIE’S STORY In the United States, it was “rediscovered”, thanks to a two year old named Charlie who suffered from uncontrollable epileptic seizures which no drug treatments—not even brain surgery—had been able to control. In a desperate search to help his son, Charlie’s father discovered the references to a ketogenic diet used for epilepsy back in the 1920s by an American doctor named R.M. Wilder. Armed with this information, he sought help for his son. So successful was the ketogenic diet in clearing Charlie’s seizures that it spurred Charlie’s father to set up the Charlie Foundation which now trains doctors and dietitians from all over the world on how to use the diet, and produces videos as well as a book, The Epilepsy Diet Treatment: An Introduction to the Ketogenic Diet, to help people learn how to use it. In recent years, a very large project in treating childhood epilepsy has been carried out at Stanford University in California. Other medical uses of the ketogenic diet in the past and present include the treatment of childhood trauma, respiratory failure, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson’s Disease, autism, migraine, depression and wound healing. THE KETO-ADAPTIVE PROCESS Is keto-adaptation for you? Not unless you are serious about changing your health and your life permanently. The keto-adaptation process takes time. It means making major changes in how you eat and live. This can be challenging, despite a recent proliferation of diet books which would have us believe the keto-adaptation process is “a piece of cake.” Full of poorly gathered information, but lots of pretty photos of low-carb sweets and treats, the current spate of Keto diet books—primarily targeted towards weight loss—are pretty useless. Too often they’ve been written by people who have not done their homework. There is one exception, however: It’s the work of a brilliant and passionate young woman from Czech Republic called Martina Šlajerová. She has created an app for iPads and iPhones as well as a short ebook called The KetoDiet which is first rate. If you want to know about using keto-adaptation for weight loss, I recommend that you look at her materials. They are not only accurate. Thanks to Martina’s fascination with truth-seeking and her commitment to living her own life at a high level of wellbeing, they are even inspiring. EAT ONLY THE BEST As with any other way of eating for health and protection from rapid aging and degenerative conditions, for ketogenic diet to be healthy, it must be well constituted. It needs to provide not only optimal quantities of vitamins and minerals, but also top quality, organic, low-carb green vegetables. It needs to be rich in the phytonutrients. It needs to provide only the very best fatty acids—organic coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil and butter from cows, preferably fed on pastured land. A sound keto-adapted way of living must make use of the finest natural foods on the planet—foods as close as possible to those our ancient ancestors thrived on. Your goal should be the transformation of your body and your life to a higher level of energy, good looks and well-being permanently. Of course, it’s important if you suffer from a liver or kidney complaint, or some other metabolic abnormality, that you get your doctor’s permission to make changes. It is unwise for anyone to undertake dietary change without the guidance of a physician or health practitioner knowledgeable about functional medicine and metabolic nutrition. Take a look at this excellent video about keto-adaptation with Jeff Volek. You’ll find it by clicking here. It will give you a real feel for what fat adapted living is like. THE ART AND SCIENCE OF LOW CARBOHYDRATE LIVING Carbohydrate restricted diets are commonly practiced but seldom taught. As a result, doctors, dietitians, nutritionists, and nurses may have strong opinions about low carbohydrate dieting, but in many if not most cases, these views are not grounded in science. Buy Low Carb Living THE ART AND SCIENCE OF LOW CARBOHYDRATE PERFORMANCE A Revolutionary Program to Extend Your Physical and Mental Performance Envelope. Our recent book 'The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living' was written for health care professionals, championing the benefits of carbohydrate restriction to manage insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and type-2 diabetes. Buy Low Carb Performance THE KETODIET BOOK—REAL FOOD & HEALTHY LIVING BY MARTINA ŠLAJEROVÁ The ketogenic diet is high in fat, adequate in protein and low in carbohydrates. Most people follow the diet in order to lose weight. However, weight loss is just one of the many benefits that include improved cholesterol levels, lowering risk of stroke, heart disease and diabetes, treating of cancer, epilepsy and more. Buy KetoDiet Book THEN THERE IS MY OWN BOOK ON THE KETOGENIC AND INSULIN BALANCED DIETS: THE X FACTOR DIET Permanent weight loss without hunger or hardship is everyone's dream. In this ground-breaking book Leslie Kenton reveals how to achieve your ideal body shape and weight in this way while simultaneously overcoming the health hazards that excess weight brings in its wake. Buy X Factor Diet

Help From Nature

Banish Cellulite: DIY Lotion + Aloe Vera + Silica!

There are many other powerful helpers readily available to give a hand with banishing cellulite. Some of my favorites are: The Cactus Connection Another powerful adjunct to breaking down cellulite and keeping your system clean is drinking the biogenic—life generating—juice of the aloe vera plant. Aloe vera is a beautiful cactus. Used externally, you will find nothing better than pure aloe vera juice as a base for your own anti-cellulite treatment (see below). Used internally, it appears to help detoxify the body in general, enhance digestion so that wastes do not build up in the system, and improve the quality of micro-organisms in the large intestine, which help protect immunity and keep the body clean. But it is useful against cellulite in other ways as well, thanks to its being rich in proteolytic enzymes. These enzymes appear to help with the breakdown of necrotic, hardened, protein-based connective tissue that is essential to eliminating cellulite, although that remains to be proven. It has, though, been recently discovered that aloe vera juice enhances the development of capillaries and circulation in general, reduces water retention and inflammation, and speeds up cellular reproduction in skin. In order to make use of aloe vera’s healing properties, you either have to use the juice fresh from the cut leaves of a cactus which is at least four years old, or it has to be carefully processed at extremely low temperatures to preserve its biogenic properties. Find the best aloe vera juice you can, keep it refrigerated and use it within a month. While beating cellulite, take a small glass of pure low-heat processed aloe vera juice on rising, between breakfast and lunch, and between lunch and dinner, as well as just before you go to bed. Silica Silica plays an essential role in the development and maintenance of cellulite-free flesh. When there is an adequate supply in your body, this brings a high level of support to the metabolic pathways responsible for the production of strong new collagen, elastin and ground substance in skin. A woman’s daily requirement of silica is rather high, at 20-30mg. Organic matter in the soils should, by rights, break down readily available inorganic silica in the ground and render it available to us through the foods we eat. Unfortunately, high-tech farming methods have destroyed much organic matter in our foods, so that our fruits and vegetables are now depleted of silica. Modern food processing then tends to remove even the little that is left. As you get older, the amount of silica present in your body decreases year by year. There is only one, extremely rich source of organic silica known to man: horsetail. Never take powdered horsetail, as it is extremely irritating to the intestines and very little of it will be absorbed by your body. Find a good natural organic silica supplement instead. Most women notice a difference to their hair and nails within 3 to 6 weeks of beginning to take between 2 and 6 tablets of organic silica a day. The benefits on the inside to connective tissue will be happening at the same rate. Plants from the Depths Another source of plant complexes particularly useful in banishing cellulite and re-establishing good body ecology is the sea. All seaweeds—from kelp to dulse, to nori and kombu—are rich in the minerals which your body’s metabolic processes require to function properly. A good supplement of sea plants which have been collected from unpolluted waters and then ‘atomized’, or broken into very fine particles, can offer another source of important metabolic support on any anti-cellulite regimen. Seaweeds tend to have very hard cells walls, and unless these plants are extracted or their cell walls are exploded, much of the metabolic treasure they contain remain unavailable to the body. They are also, of course, delicious to eat. Buy them dried and crumble them onto soups and salads. DIY Cellulite Lotion The active ingredients in the best of the cellulite creams, lotions and oils include a number of potent herbal extracts to help enhance circulation, encourage fat burning, restore integrity to damaged capillaries, decrease water-logging and improve firmness. They include things like silica derivatives, free-form amino acids, herbal extracts from butcher’s broom to horsetail, and even caffeine, which, when applied in the right form to the surface of the skin, has been shown to stimulate fat burning. All of these products need to work with a whole body program, and most of them are expensive. You can make one of your own at a fraction of the cost. It is true it won’t have a sweet cosmetic smell like the others and, because it contains herbal extracts which are brown in color, you will need to be careful not to stain the white bathroom rug when applying it. But it works a treat. Here’s how Take 1 small bottle of aloe vera liquid (350ml). Add to it 25ml of liquid extract of fucus vesculosus and 25ml of kola liquid extract. Shake well. Keep refrigerated. Apply twice a day to cellulite-prone areas of the body after a bath or shower, then, using one of the special anti-cellulite gloves, mits or rollers available in most pharmacies, gently go over those areas of your body.

Let’s Explode Reality

Unleashing Creative Power: Exploring the Depths of the Psyche for Whole Being Transformation

Each one of us is brimming with creative power. Creativity lies at the core of what it is to be fully alive and free, so each of us can express our unique visions as gifts to all life. I believe it’s time to set free our indestructible passion to create from the core of our being. Each of us is being called to do this; not only for our own sake, but for the sake of all beings and the earth itself. I am excited about answering the call. Are you? HOLISTIC POWER Creativity is a mind-body-soul experience. It demands that we have access not only to our intelligence and to the layers of our psyche of which we are consciously aware, but to the whole of our being including what is commonly called the unconscious mind. Most of us have come to ignore the unconscious parts of us, in no small part as a result of Freud’s insistence that they are a repository of repressed desires which need to be codified, pathologized and treated. It is this belief that has propelled tens of millions of men and women into psychotherapy in the past hundred years. As a result, most of us still live with the lion’s share of our potential for creativity and freedom unavailable to us. Meanwhile, beneath the vast ocean of what it is to be fully human, our creative power slumbers, waiting for us to awaken it. PLUMBING THE DEPTHS Then, when the founder of depth psychology, C. G. Jung, came along. Jung announced what every creative artist discovers for himself, that Freud’s “fearful unconscious” is also a realm replete with visions, archetypes, insight and soul—all of these are fuels which feed our creative fires. Once we embrace the depths of our psyche and learn to work with them, we can access the gifts they hold, and live our lives from a foundation of authentic freedom and power. A person’s interior life, insisted Jung, not only merits attention; it calls for dedicated exploration which is exactly what he, himself, did and then recorded in his posthumously published Red Book. Thanks to more than half a century of exploration, Jung came to see the human psyche—both conscious and unconscious—as an inherently spiritual and fluid medium, a magnificent ocean which we humans can fish for enlightenment, creativity, healing and personal transformation. Jung then went on to discover that the dreams, myths and archetypes which reside in our unconscious are highly personal to each of us. Yet we are also connected with what he called the collective unconsciousness, which connects us with archetypal realities that are not only personal but universal. WAKE UP TO RAGING FREEDOM Now this is revolutionary stuff. It speaks of truths few of us even consider, unless we happen to be one of the visionary artists, thinkers or scientists who discover this for themselves in the course of their work. Such men and women are seldom willing to buy into the general consensus of what is taken to be reality. They prefer to strike out on their own, determined to enter uncharted territories and find out for themselves what treasures can be found there to bring back, fuel their work and transform their own lives and the lives of others. Invariably, when someone is courageous enough to question the stuff that the rest of us take to be true, they discover whole new realities. I have a passion to explore the nature and power of creativity from every angle possible in this blog. I hope you will join me in my journey.

Beyond The Hcg Diet - How Old Are You Really?

Change Your Age! Discover the Secret to Reverse Sarcopenia & Feel Young Again

I’ve always loved a quote by American TV personality, Lucille Ball. She used to say, “The secret to staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.” In many ways, she was right. Your age does not depend on how old you are chronologically. It depends on the state of your biomarkers. These are scientific measures of how old you are biologically. So forget the birthdays—this is the only age that matters. And the good news is, by making simple lifestyle changes, you can reverse not only how old you look and feel, but how your body functions—in medically measurable ways. BIOMARKERS HOLD THE ANSWER Whatever your chronological age, your biomarkers are always changing for the better or worse. A few years ago, a couple of American scientists named Irwin H. Rosenberg, M.D. and William J. Evans, PhD, carried out some long-term research to identify the biomarkers of aging, and to determine clear-cut scientific measurements that doctors are able to use to determine how old an animal or a human is biologically. These biomarkers make it possible for you and your health professional to assess your functional age right now, then to reassess it as you make changes in your lifestyle designed to reverse the aging process. MEET SARCOPENIA Let’s look at the biomarker which most fascinates me. It is probably the least recognized but the most important of all in assessing your biological age. It’s called sarcopenia—a kind of physiological degeneration where you lose lean body mass and replace it with fat. Sarcopenia is a great word; remember it. It’s something you really need to know about. The process takes place when your muscle mass shrinks and your fat levels go up. This happens to most people as the years pass, because they eat wrongly and don’t use their bodies. Sarcopenia is not, as most people believe, a normal part of growing older. But when it is allowed to develop, it brings a lot of nasty aging consequences in its wake: loss of strength, lowered basal metabolic rate, an increase in the percentage of body fat, and degenerative conditions as well as chronic illness. Reversing sarcopenia is the most important change that you can make to de-age yourself in every way. SHED FAT, GAIN YOUTH People worry all the time about how much weight they’re carrying. But weight isn’t the issue. It is the inessential fat you carry which you need to lose. These are the fat deposits which distort your body shape, and are almost impossible to shed permanently on ordinary slimming diets. You see, slimming diets don’t only shed fat, they eat up protein—that is, your muscle mass. After being on a slimming diet, more than 90% of people regain the weight they have lost within a year. But they don’t regain precious muscle tissue. Conventional dieting creates higher and higher levels of sarcopenia, aging your body rapidly. Muscle loss from yoyo dieting is virtually impossible to put back. Fat is easy—just eat a few muffins each week. The more you go on and off slimming diets, the more fat gets laid down, and the more muscle gets lost. Sarcopenia, plus the accelerated aging that accompanies it, runs rampant throughout your body—not only from dieting but also from living a couch potato life. It is the single most destructive biomarker in relation to aging that scientists have as yet been able to identify. CALLING CURA ROMANA The only person that ever adequately addressed how to be able to shed fat while protecting lean body mass—even to increase it in the process—is the brilliant British physician, A.T.W. Simeons creator of the hCG Diet. What Simeons discovered was that obesity in all of its many forms is the result of an abnormal functioning in the body. He found that people who suffer from this abnormal functioning will continue to put weight on and find it almost impossible to lose. Someone who does not suffer from this abnormality doesn’t get fat, even if they overeat. Simeons discovered that the abnormality responsible for weight gain, food cravings and addictions is centered in a part of the brain called the diencephalon, which encompasses the hypothalamus, thalamus and pituitary, as well as the autonomic nervous system as a whole. What is unique about Cura Romana weight and health transformation is that it directs the body to correct this disorder. in the body’s fat control center. As this happens, the loss of inessential fat takes place automatically as a consequence of re-establishing its healthy functioning. Cura Romana is the only weight loss program which can reverse sarcopenia. In the process it also corrects many of the the biomarkers including high blood pressure, insulin resistance, cholesterol issues while enhancing skin beauty as well as self esteem and emotional balance. And it does all of this quite naturally—from inside out.

Main Meals

Enjoy Wild Nut Burgers: Healthy and Delicious for Kids!

wild nut burgers 2 cup cashews, finely ground 1 cup sunflower seeds, finely ground 3 sticks celery, grated 2 large carrots, grated 3-4 finely chopped spring onions 1 small turnip, grated 1 egg yolk (or yogurt) 1 tsp vegetable bouillon powder Extra finely ground nuts Mix all ingredients together and bind with either an egg yolk or yogurt. Pat the mixture into small flat rounds and roll in more finely ground nuts and vegetable bouillon powder. Serve raw. Kids love these. The younger the child, the finer you need to pulverize the ingredients. Serves 4. pitta pockets Small tin tuna or 4 hard boiled eggs, or a cup of finely ground cashews 3 carrots 3 sticks celery 3 spring onions 1/2 red pepper (for color) A head of broccoli 2 tbsp mayonnaise Whole grain pitta breads Blend all the ingredients well in a food processor until almost smooth. Serve in warmed pitta breads. soups & stews Soups and stews are hearty and full-bodied; they are also great value for money. Even junk-food addicts who come to visit love them. I make them from whatever vegetables I happen to have, adding some millet, lentils, peas, rice, barley or whatever is handy for thickening; lots of fresh herbs from the garden, or a few dried herbs; and perhaps some bouillon powder for seasoning. For a baby or young child, puree in a food processor or using a handheld blender and add a little fresh butter before serving. For an older child you can leave everything in chunks. Substitute these vegetables with others for variation. vegetable stew I large onion 2 leeks 1 head of celery 4 carrots 2 turnips 1 parsnip Any other vegetables you happen to have 2 tbsp olive oil 11/2 pints stock or water (boiling) 1 tbsp bouillon powder 3/4 cup brown rice or millet 2 cups garden peas 1 cup runner beans Fresh parsley Wash and peel the vegetables and peel the onions. Cut root vegetables into small cubes - the leeks first lengthwise 4 to 6 times and then across so that you get tiny pieces. Add oil to the pot and sauté the leeks. Then add chopped celery, carrots, turnips and parsnip; put the lid on and allow them to sweat for five minutes. Now add your boiling stock or water, the vegetable bouillon, the bay leaves and the rice or millet and allow to cook for 30 minutes. Now add peas and beans and cook for another 15 minutes. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve. This makes 4-6 good size servings. potato soup 6 medium potatoes 2 1/2 pints water or stock 1 tbsp vegetable bouillon powder 1 cup sliced, chunked or diced vegetables (e.g. leeks, celery, carrot, swede, green beans, peas) Herbs (e.g. marjoram, winter savory, basil, garlic) Garnishes (e.g. sliced spring onions, chopped hard-boiled egg, chives, water cress, grated hard cheese) Wash vegetables and scrub potatoes, cutting them into medium-sized chunks. Cover the potatoes in the water or stock to which the bouillon has been added and boil until tender. Remove from heat and blend in a food processor until smooth. Now sauté the vegetables and cut into small pieces, add them along with your seasonings to the potato mixture, and cook for five minutes. Sprinkle with your garnishes and serve. Serves 4-6 people.

Join The Revolution

Dangerous Truths: 60 yrs of Wrongful Diet Advice Revealed

We are poised at the beginning of a profound revolution in health. It encompasses long-lasting weight control, drug-free ageless aging and protection from degenerative diseases. Until recently, the genuine research findings which are fueling this revolution have been hidden from us by a dark cloud consisting of outright lies, false medical and government directives and corporate greed. For the past 60 years, we have been fed dangerous, inaccurate information in regard to the causes of heart disease, obesity, mental disorders, and other widespread degenerative conditions—from diabetes to cancer and Alzheimer’s, as well as emotional and mental problems. As a consequence, we have experienced an exponential rise in long-term degenerative conditions, a massive dependence on pharmaceutical drugs, and dangerously inaccurate information about what constitutes good nutrition. I’ve just posted on the lesliekenton.com site two videos of programs aired over ABC News in Australia. Do watch them. They could be life-changing for you and your family. I’ll give you a link to them at the bottom. THE TRUTH WILL OUT Here’s what’s important for you to know: The guidelines about health we have been given in the decades following World War II have been wrong. For example, there is NO correlation between high cholesterol plaque formation and heart disease. Second, saturated fats are good for us. Third, statin drugs which are commonly prescribed to lower cholesterol are dangerous. For generations, we’ve been told that “saturated fat is a prime cause of heart disease.” This theory, known as the ‘lipid hypothesis’, was concocted 60 years ago by a number of mainstream scientists, including a physiologist named Ancel Keys, whom I knew personally. Keys’ totally inaccurate “revelations” about the dangers of eating saturated fats were based on bogus research. Yet they earned him a cover on Time Magazine. Other erroneous research, which in truth amounted to little more than “best guesses”, were also accepted as truths by government, the medical establishment and the media, even though several well researched studies showed clearly that they were also wrong. This is how the false notion that “eating fat causes heart disease” became accepted worldwide and it has endured for more than half a century. BIG FAT LIES As award-winning journalist Gary Taubes has pointed out, “In the 1970s and 1980s the US government spent half a billion dollars trying to prove that dietary fat causes heart disease and they couldn’t do it.” Taubes is a courageous science writer. He first wrote about the public fat deceptions in a New York Times magazine article in June of 2002, called “What if It’s All Been a Big Fat Lie?” Since then, he has written two superbly researched books, in relation to this issue as well as other massively inaccurate beliefs that have also been foisted upon us including the notion that eating a low-fat, high-carb diet is the best way to stay healthy. For five decades, governments and health agencies in the United States and elsewhere have pontificated about what we should eat to prevent degenerative diseases. Most of us have done our best to follow their advice. In doing so, we have become sicker and fatter with each decade that passes. Of course, the powers-that-be still insist that this is all our fault. They tell us that this is because we have not been following their advice carefully enough. So their “best guess” advice, concocted in error all those years ago, still goes on harming millions of people. THE DECEPTIVE 70S The tale continues: After high-level government discussions and consultations about what diet the majority of Americans should eat for health, the McGovern Committee in the United States published nutritional guidelines which, they told us, would “combat cancers, heart disease, high-blood pressure, obesity and diabetes.” Hearings for Senator McGovern’s Senate Select Committee took place between 1976 and 1980. And it was clear right from the start that the outcome would be a bogus recommendation to reduce fat and cholesterol and eat plenty of carbohydrates for energy—despite the fact that valid scientific research had shown quite clearly that both of these recommendations were just plain wrong. Before long, the US government issued their skewed ‘Dietary Guidelines for Americans.’ Their advice boiled down to was this: Replace natural dietary fats (which we humans have been eating for millions of years and which the body handles with ease) with high doses of carb-laden grains, sugars and cereals and use lots of polyunsaturated fats. Then the now infamous U.S. “Dietary Recommendations Pyramid” came along. It urges us to eat as many as 11 portions of bread, cereal, rice and pasta a day. Like obedient citizens, we ate porridge, toast and cereal for breakfast, munched our way through a bagel at 11 o’clock, and downed a sandwich, pizza or pasta for lunch. At dinner, along with our meat and potatoes, or rice and beans, we indulges in a roll or two to make sure we got the 10 carb servings they recommended to us believing that we were living on a healthy diet. Just in case you think these absurd directives only affected the lives of Americans, think again. The rest of the world—with a few exceptions such as France and China—still follow US government directives with amazing slavishness. HOW TO AGE FAST A diet high in cereals, grains and sugars (which 90% of the Western World still consumes) is not only a prescription for obesity—it’s a fast track to rapid aging and degenerative diseases. Grains and sugars in excess lower energy levels, create cravings and addictive eating while encouraging a myriad of long-term health issues. TRUTH ABOUT STATINS Then there is the issue of statins. I was stunned when I learned about the new guidelines just issued by the American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology. These bodies are now encouraging doctors to prescribe statin drugs to well people. The so-called medical experts who issued these directives insist that all healthy people be given statin drugs as a “preventative against possible future illness.” In effect they are keen to see one third of all adults taking statins. One in four Americans over 45 are already on statins, despite more than 900 studies reporting dangerous side effects from these drugs. Side effects range from heightened risks of cancer and diabetes to sexual problems, neuropathy and liver dysfunction to immune system suppression—even a higher risk of cataracts. In Britain, between 6 and 8 million people take statin drugs. If the new directives are accepted by the US and UK medical establishment—as they are likely to be—the numbers of men and women being prescribed statins will become legion. WHY ARE THEY USED Statins are a group of drugs that commonly prescribed to lower cholesterol levels by inhibiting the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase, which plays a central role in the production of cholesterol in the liver. They have many different names: Lipitor, Lescol, Mevacor, Altocor, Zocor and so on. Statins are given to patients on the assumption that they will lower the risks of heart attacks and strokes. Meanwhile, a recent study in the Journal of Cancer Epidemiology, “Biomarkers & Prevention” by Jean A McDougall and her team, showed that long-term use of statins increases the risk of both lobular and ductal breast cancer in women between 55 and 74. COME THE REVOLUTION I suggest you take a look at my recent blog, “Beware The Statin Pushers”. (Click here.) I also suggest that you read Healthy and Lean For Life, the book I wrote at the beginning of 2013. You are able to download free until the end of December. (click here) Meanwhile I celebrate Dr Maryanne Demasi’s admirable investigative journalism in the two ABC programs which you can watch by clicking here. Come and take part in the exciting revolution based on truth. Share what you learn with those whose health and life may be made better by what you have learned.

Leslie Kenton’s Cura Romana®

Fast, Healthy Weight Loss

Leslie Kenton’s Cura Romana® has proudly supported 20,000+ weight loss journeys over the past 16 years. With an overall average daily weight loss of 0.5 - 0.6 lb for women and 0.8 - 1.0 lb for men.

Yesterday’s Average Daily Weight Loss:

on the 25th of April 2024 (updated every 12 hours)

-0.72 lb
for women
-1.10 lb
for men
-0.72 lb
for women
-1.10 lb
for men

Yesterday’s Average Daily Weight Loss:

on the 25th of April 2024 (updated every 12 hours)

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