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healthy weight

53 articles in healthy weight

Candida - Your Addictive Eating Has A Monstrous Cause

Uncover the Real Cause of Most Food Addictions: Unbelievable Mind-Blowing Truth Revealed

In the next few minutes, I want to share with you the real cause of most food addictions. First let me tell you, they are not your fault. I’ve spent 7 years mentoring men and women throughout the world to shed excess fat and keep it off permanently. During this period, I made an astounding discovery about the common reason for almost all uncontrollable food cravings, as well as what you can do to end the suffering they can bring. First, a word of warning: What you will learn in the next few minutes may well blow your mind. Addictive eating makes you feel powerless. You’ve been taught to hate yourself for being “weak willed”. You feel at the mercy of some force that seems impossible to resist. So you go on and off slimming regimes, take diet pills, lose weight temporarily only to gain it back soon afterwards. OK. It’s time to lay aside all your guilt, shame and self-criticism, as well as the fear that you have some kind of “emotional eating disorder.” To my amazement, what I have found out is this: an inability to control appetite no matter how hard you try is triggered by monstrous visitors from the underworld who have invaded your body. Food addictions, cravings, hopelessness and self-recrimination are the result of an overgrowth of Candida albicans. These are parasitic yeasts and fungi. These strange and powerful organisms feed on sugar as well as anything you eat that turns into sugar. This includes grains, cereals, fast foods, and convenience foods—all of which they thrive on. The goal of Candida is to control your body so they get their sugar fix. Next time you find yourself craving that piece of cake or reaching for a sugary drink, stop and remember this. It is not YOU who is craving that piece of cake or chocolate. It’s the yeasty beasties who are after sugar in any form for their continued survival in your body. Amazing? It certainly amazed me to learn this fact. Then, I spent two years learning about the behavior of these darkly hidden organisms, whose numbers are legion, and discovering how to help you clear them from your body. More about this in a moment. When Candida invades your body en masse, it distorts brain functions and can produce endless miseries. It screws up your emotions. It can even undermine your sense of personal power, so that you don’t feel you’re in control of your life. The chemical products that Candida pours into your body through the fermentation process by which it lives and spreads contain high levels of ethanol—plain old alcohol. This is why there are many cases on record of people who do not drink alcohol, yet live in a state of drunkenness which alters thought patterns, disturbs consciousness and creates many emotional and physical disorders. When the alcohol produced by Candida begins to break down in your body, this produces acetaldehyde—a chemical six times more toxic to the brain than ethanol itself. Acetaldehyde insidiously interferes with brain functions, causing damage to neurological structures. Let me share with you just a few of the symptoms experts have connected with an overgrowth of Candida albicans: Weight gain Chronic fatigue from impaired metabolism Brain and nervous system dysfunction Self-blame, shame, guilt and fear Headaches Poor memory, fuzzy thinking, inebriation Heart problems—rapid pulse rate, palpitations Vaginitis and lack of bladder control—which can lead to frequent urination, itchy rashes and vaginal thrush Stomach troubles: diarrhea, bloating and gas, gastritis, gastric ulcers, constipation Allergic reactions of many kinds Until the past decade, few doctors believed that Candida could invade the body’s tissues. Now we know it can do this with ease. Like every primitive microorganism, Candida has a powerful will to survive. It can breach normal defence systems to enter through skin and digestive tract, decrease the level of protective white blood cells, and invade the deep tissues of the body including the bloodstream. Medical tests for Candida are notoriously unreliable, and medical diagnosis of chronic Candidiasis is virtually impossible to make. Few physicians as yet even understand it. It is the body’s biological terrain that has to be restored to health for you to eliminate Candida from your system. This is what an effective anti-Candida program must do for you. Once this happens, all the addictive eating for which you have wrongly blamed yourself for causing is gone. The feeling of freedom and renewed self-esteem that this brings can be nothing less than life-changing. With the help of men and women whom I worked with on fat loss, I tested out dozens of anti-Candida supplements. In the process I found only one which I can recommend for everyone. It is low in cost and non-aggressive but highly effective. Now here is the catch. It takes time. Candida is so persistent that you must take 2 capsules of this nutritional supplement at lunch and two at dinner each and every day without fail, over a period of 3 to 6 months, to clear it from your system. During this period you must also stay away from convenience foods, breads, cereals and grains, all of which turn into sugar when you eat them. You need to increase the green vegetables that you eat and you must stay away from sugary fruits, fruit drinks, and sugar itself in any form. It can be a challenge. The good news is that, as Candida clears from your body, the increase in energy, wellbeing, self-confidence and loss of excess fat people experience brings with it an unparalleled experience of freedom and self-respect that is even hard to describe. To learn more about the monstrous and mysterious Candida, click on the links below here. 1. Are You Addicted To Food 2. End Food Cravings - Part 2 3. Radiant Health Restored - Part 3 In the meantime, let me share with you what I find to be the most gentle, effective and inexpensive natural nutritional supplement for clearing a Candida infestation. One last word: Patience. Remember, it can take three or more months, taking 2 capsules of this supplement at lunch and at dinner each and every day without fail. The transformation this kind of clearing can bring about is well worth the effort. Candida Support As a dietary supplement, take 2 capsules twice daily with food. Consider taking these other NOW products: Oregano Oil Softgels, Virgin Coconut Oil and Probiotic Defense. Order Candida Support from iherb

Diets That Work - Escape Fat's Straight Jacket

Reclaim Your Creative Spirit & Unlock Weight Loss: Learn How!

Within each one of us, thin or fat, there lives a joyous creative spirit. It is the spirit of the child - of life itself - a completely individual nature which is constantly seeking freedom simply to be what it is and to do what it wants to do. The world we live in as we grow up seldom leaves space for that unique spirit to develop fully. Our parents, our education, our culture is continually feeding us with rules about what we should and shouldn't do - should and shouldn't be. It is a little like getting up each morning and having to put on your straightjacket before you begin the day. For many people—both men and women—weight control has become part of that straightjacket. They worry constantly about how or what to eat or not to eat. They agonize over one or two pounds - or fifteen - gained or lost and they treat themselves like naughty children who need controlling lest they get out of hand and eat something they shouldn't. A person in any kind of straightjacket is a person disempowered. It is a person who does not trust himself or herself and who to a greater or lesser degree lives in fear - fear of food, fear of what he or she might do, fear of disapproval from a society impassioned by notions of thinness. I have known that struggle. I have lived it myself and I see evidence of it all around me in women caught in the jaws of bulimia, anorexia or compulsive eating, and in men who overindulge in alcohol or fatty foods, struck down by a heart attack in the prime of life. This has always seemed a terrible waste. POWER TO TRANSFORM Thirty years ago I began to ask questions like: Why do so many people struggle with weight in our society when the vast majority in other cultures never even seem to grow fat? What causes the distortions to our bodies not only in body size and fat deposits, but in the degenerative conditions, from heart disease to rheumatoid arthritis that come in their wake? Is it really weakness of character or lack of willpower that makes us all eat too much and gain weight? And - most important of all - is there a way of eating and living that enables someone who is carrying too much fat around to eat and live so that whatever distortions have already appeared will disappear quite naturally as part of the process of regenerating the body through food and exercise? MY SEARCH FOR ANSWERS So I read many books and papers, listened to dozens of lectures from physicians and scientists and interviewed a number of doctors personally who claimed to have found answers. Some of their answers were useful, but not until I was introduced to the work of ATW Simeons did I come to understand that even the most genuinely helpful discoveries about why we get fat—and why every slimming diet we follow—almost invariably lead sooner or later back to our regaining weight we have lost. Why? Because each and every one of them, no matter how sincere or well meaning, ignored the most important truth of all: Simeons’ work stands alone even amongst the findings of many brilliant and sincere scientists and doctors—from Atkins to Sir Robert McCarrison who have contributed so much to sound dietary practice. What makes Simeons unique is that he alone discovered that overweight, obesity and all the anguish that accompanies them is in no way caused by a lack of willpower or simple greed. Neither can it be permanently cleared by putting people on a slimming regime. These conditions represent a significant metabolic disorder. Until this metabolic disorder is dealt with we will simply go on forever taking diet pills, shedding fat and then regaining it, along with all the inner grief, disappointment and shame we suffer each time this happens. Even better, Simeons discovered where the locus of overweight lay in the body, and how to create a protocol that would give a man or woman’s overweight body a kind of permission to restore normal balanced functioning to that area in the brain, thereby clearing not only unwanted fat but enhancing a person’s overall health in life-changing ways. THIN FOR WHAT? In the Western world we have long been possessed by an obsession with changing the shape of our bodies, especially trying to make it thinner, using one diet after another. Yet making a body thinner is not always the best thing to do - either for its health or its good looks. A thin body is a wimpish body. It is a body depleted of energy and of power. When you are lean you are strong, you have sleek muscles, good tone, and you can feast heartily on wholesome, natural foods in keeping with your body’s unique food needs, enabling you to stay that way. You are also highly resistant to illness and early ageing as the years pass and you feel comfortable and at ease in your body. This is a very different experience from the anxiety over thinness which disempowers so many men and women. Leanness, created by restoring healthy balance and functioning to the body’s fat and appetite control center, brings a sense of power with it - a sense of being in control of your own life which is a far cry from the inadequacy many feel as they continue to battle against weight gain with conventional slimming diets. I believe it is time we forgot about thin and choose instead to go lean from inside out. This calls for revolution. COME THE REVOLUTION - Diets That Work To revolutionize means to change completely and fundamentally - your body and your life. It is not a word chosen lightly but because it most accurately describes the powerful positive transformation that takes place in how you look and feel when you transform your appetite and fat control center so it works again, throw out convenience foods loaded with bad carbs, hidden sugar, junk fats and chemicals, and begin to feed heartily on the kind of foods your individual body loves, drink large quantities of pure water and strengthen your muscle mass through simple exercise that your body loves, be it dancing, yoga, swimming or what-have-you. The word lean means `muscular...containing little or no fat.' Being lean is as different from being thin as Cura Romana is from all the quick fix slimming diets you may have tried over the years which have slowly but inexorably eroded your energy and increased the sense of disenchantment with your body.

Sacred Truth Ep. 42: Are You Plagued By Hunger?

Stop Cravings & Stay Healthy with Our Free Lean for Life Book: Reveal Tricks to Conquer False Hunger

Have you ever wondered what triggers your hunger? Sometimes even after eating a good meal? Then let me share some interesting truths with you. Hunger signals come from your brain’s appetite control centers. These are meant to tell you when you need to eat. The problem is that these days, control centers in most people’s brains no longer function as they are meant to as a result of the way we’ve been taught to live and eat in the modern world—masses of packaged foods, grains, sugars, and convenience foods filled with pesticides, chemicals, and health-destroying additives. So often we experience false hunger, which undermines health and makes many people fat. More about this in a moment. This false hunger is most of the time triggered by three situations: First, when your body is fatigued and is calling out for energy, you often turn to food in the hope that eating will revive you. Sadly, this seldom works. In fact, for most people, eating under such circumstances only increases your hunger instead of helping you handle it. Second, when your body’s in need of essential nutrients—a vitamin or mineral for instance—or, more often than not, needing a combination of nutrients that you’re not getting from the foods you’ve been eating—this also produces false hunger that is not easy to handle. Finally, when you’re experiencing negative emotions or are under a lot of stress, most people seek comfort from eating certain foods—especially grain-based carbohydrates like breads and pastas or foods full of sugars in the hope that these foods might alleviate their discomfort. The problem is that the very foods you seek for comfort only make you crave yet more carbs and sugars. Why? Because when you turn to grain and cereal-based carbs—from breads and pasta to sweet deserts—these foods create insulin resistance and blood sugar disorders. This leads to ever-increasing food cravings and addictions. These are the three most common triggers of false hunger, which undermines your health, decreases your vitality, and makes you feel lousy. False hunger is triggered by your hypothalamus and autonomic nervous system. More often than not, you are not aware that this is happening as you reach for food. Conventional weight loss diets use all sorts of pills, potions, and techniques in the hope of overcoming false hunger’s trigger mechanisms. Slimming diets tell us we should count calories. They tell us we have to work our bodies hard to keep from getting fat. They urge us to use brute force or willpower to overcome the impulse to eat. Of course, sooner or later, these methods fail. So what’s the answer? You won’t believe how simple it can be. Here’s how to manage these issues. When you feel hungry for no reason, stop and ask yourself if you are really hungry or just tired and in need of a rest...if only for five minutes. Drink a glass of good quality water, breathe deeply, and give yourself a time-out which you deserve. Stay away from packaged convenience foods. They deplete your body of vitamins and minerals, and are filled with hidden ingredients, including flavor-enhancers designed by manufacturers to increase your hunger while undermining year health. Learn simple practices for making stress your friend instead of being ruled by it. Then practice them. Eat REAL foods like fresh organic vegetables, and top quality proteins from fish as well as chicken and animals that have been freely grazed in pastures. Cut the quantities of grains, cereals, and sugars to an absolute minimum. Want to learn more? Download my new very comprehensive free book now (Stay Healthy & Lean For Life). The information it offers can literally transform your health and your life.

Leslie Kenton's Radio Interview On Bias Magazine.

Leslie Kenton on Human Freedom, Creativity & Natural Menopause: Interview for Bias Magazine

Below you will find an interview I did for Bias Magazine. Speaking about Human freedom, creativity and natural menopause. Unfortunately the recording is quite bad in the beginning but get better about 5 minutes in. Hope you Enjoy... [audio id=http://d1vg7rm5xhtxe9.cloudfront.net/audio/cheryl-el-interview.mp3] Award-winning writer, television broadcaster, and teacher, Leslie Kenton is well known in the English-speaking world for her no-nonsense, in-depth reporting. According to London’s Time Out, “If there is one health expert who can genuinely be described as pioneering and visionary, it is Leslie Kenton.” Leslie has written more than three dozen best selling books for Random House UK. She conceived and created the worldwide Origins range for Estee Lauder. A former consultant to European Parliament for the Green Party and course developer for Britain’s Open University, Leslie is trained in Chinese medicine, nutrition, homeopathy, and bioenergetics. She was first Chairperson of the Natural Medicine Society in the UK and her contribution to natural health was honored by her being asked to deliver the McCarrison Lecture at the Royal Society of Medicine in London. Leslie now divides her time between her homes in Britain and South Island New Zealand. To find out more about her work: lesliekenton.com, curaromana.com.

Cura Breaks New Ground

Unlock the Secret: My Own Cura Story & How the Latest CURA Program Can Change Your Life!

Too often, lost in my research and writing, I forget to bring you up to date with important developments that are taking place on NEW CURA ROMANA. My apologies... Let me make up for this now. The changes and improvements that we continue to make are happening fast on all levels: An even more effective Consolidation. An even more potent Essential Spray. A new Cura Romana book. Huge volumes of intriguing reports, as well as a brand new video about the program by me, plus information about where we are going from here. Whew! By the way, participants on the program have spontaneously chosen their own affectionate name for it. More and more people have affectionately come to call their weight, health and life transformations “CURA” which I just love. I only wish I’d thought of it myself. After all, the word CURA means “to give attention to, to care for, to cure, to heal”—all of the things Aaron and I value most. So CURA it is from now on. MY OWN CURA STORY Hundreds who joined the CURA family in the last year keep badgering me to tell them about my own personal struggles with weight. “Did you once suffer from shame about your body?” they ask. “Did you have food cravings?” “Did you ever feel powerless to change all this?” My brand new video, which has now taken over the home page at curaromana.com, will give you all the answers to these questions. It will also tell you all about why CURA bears no resemblance to every other weight loss diet, about the way which it clears food cravings and addictions, as well as how it so often rejuvenates the body in medically measurable ways. Do check it out. BOOK CONFUSION NOW OVER We have had lots of trouble with people misunderstanding that the New Cura Romana book (Bright Orange) is most certainly NOT at all the same as my first CR book (Shocking Pink) but in some new format.  This false notion grew out of a mistake that my wonderful publishers made (I guess everyone is allowed to make one now and then). Somebody in their publicity department mistakenly sent out the wrong press release—namely the same release that they’d sent out for the old book, when it came out way back in 2011. What a mess! Even Amazon became confused, since the same wrong words were put onto their site as a description for the new book. As a result, Amazon has refused to allow people who buy the new book to write reviews of it if they had previously purchased bought the old book, since even Amazon thought the two books were the same. Such a drama! THE TRUTH BE TOLD Leslie Kenton’s New Cura Romana Weightloss Plan is a major advance on the first Cura Romana book.  It guides you through our powerful new Consolidation process, making it easier than ever for weight lost during Essential Spray+Food Plan to stay lost! The new book also conveys my hands-on experience with thousands of men and women all over the world who have done CURA over the past four years, and merges this with vital, up-to-the-minute information any reader needs to make the best of a Cura Romana experience using any book. It guides you step-by-step through Cura Romana’s second-generation protocol, so you learn secrets about banishing addictions, clearing food cravings and staying healthy and lean for life. So, if you decide to shed weight by yourself, make sure you read the new ORANGE book and not the old PINK one which is now way out of date. This is important! ONLINE WORKS BEST That being said, no published book, regardless of how up to date it is, can compare with our CURA JOURNEY PROGRAM or our INNER CIRCLE GOLD CURA online. Why is this the case? Because Aaron and I are continually updating and upgrading the guidance and materials that we bring to participants. This means that CURA ONLINE is literally up to the minute. In the fast moving world in which we now live, no book can ever offer this. You see, the mechanics of book publishing grind slowly. It often takes a year after receiving the manuscript from an author to bring a new book to the public. UP-TO-THE MINUTE Aaron and I do our utmost to bring our CURA participants the most powerful up-to-the-moment guidance, techniques, research and information—stuff that not only helps weight loss, followed by weight stabilization, take place rapidly and smoothly. For us, participants on both programs become part of the CURA family. Some of our people want to shed as little as 10 pounds of fat and then keep it off forever. Others want to lose as much as 40 to 50 kilos, or even more. Their goals are not only to end weight struggles forever, but to experience optimal, drug-free health. Still others—both men and women—look to discover a way of life that increases natural vitality, improves athletic performance, helps clear cellulite and PMS in women, and fosters emotional balance, bringing a sense of freedom and pleasure in just being alive. Not only are these things possible, they are already being experienced by thousands of men and women throughout the world who learn the secrets we love to share. We are constantly updating our online audios, videos, teaching instruments and recipes to make all this possible. My very own audios and videos, made especially for the program, guide you day-by-day from start to finish. Are you serious about leaving behind past failures, food-cravings and self-criticism, and replacing them with your naturally lean and healthy body? Are you ready to create a new life for yourself? Then check out which program is right for you, and join the CURA family online. We send you all the Essential Spray you need for whichever program you choose. They’re included in the cost. Oh yes, and before I forget to tell you: CURA’S JOURNEY PROGRAM is about the best value for money we think you’ll find anywhere. PLEASE BEWARE In case you are going to use my New Cura Romana Weightloss Plan book, there are a couple of important things you should know. First, Leslie Kenton’s Essential Spray, designed for use on any Cura Romana program, is not only unique in its formulation and its effectiveness. It is also the only product for effective weight loss “Fulfilled By Amazon” worldwide. It has been ever since January 2011, when my original book was published. You’ll find several knock-offs aggressively advertised on Amazon, but every one of these products are NOT Amazon-sold. They are sold by companies wanting to get in on the act. It would be fine if they came anywhere near the effectiveness of Essential Spray. Sadly, they don’t. I discovered all of this because many people who were trying to do Cura Romana using my books wrote to me for help. They said they had not been experiencing enhanced health, improved hormone balance and emotional wellbeing, all of which are hallmarks of our Essential Spray, which took John Morgan and I many months to formulate and test before it was released for sale. When these frustrated people told me of their disappointments and that they had bought one of these products thinking it would work fine, I asked them to stop taking it and use Essential Spray instead. They took my advice and never looked back. So please beware of copycat products my friends. You deserve to get the very best from your Cura Romana experience. This is why Aaron and I work so hard to make it possible for you. By the way, do take a look at our brand new packaging for ESSENTIAL SPRAY. We think it’s turned out kind of cool. Let us know what you think. WORDS FROM THE EXPERTS YOU are our experts! Those of you who have done the programs and become part of the CURA family speak to us of your experiences, and we listen. Without your feedback reports after completing your CURA program—either the CR Journey or the Inner Circle—we would never be able to move forward with continuing to make your experience easier, more powerful, more successful and more satisfying all round. Aaron and I are grateful to all of you who have meticulously filled out our “Help From You” questionnaires. We love knowing what worked for you, and what we might be able to improve on. And we feel so good when we hear some of the wonderful praise that you send us, which you kindly ask that we share with others. So here goes—here is some of the recent praise which we’ve been told to share: Louise who’s just lost 12 kilos writes: “Believe me, you will not regret Cura! It is an amazing journey that makes you look deep into yourself, heals and embraces the real you. I am still benefitting in so many ways. People tell me I look fabulous—today I was told I look “hot” by one of my customers. Not bad for a 50 year old!” Natalie, who lost 26.6 pounds on a recent Inner Circle 45 program, had this to say about Leslie’s personal voicemails: “I loved them. She makes me laugh. I love how feisty she is and admire her passion and energy! She is amazingly knowledgeable—a real food and medicine guru!” Merrilyn, who recently shed 16.3 kilos, asked us to share these comments with you: “I have been on diets, spending huge amounts of money for 40 years, getting bigger with each attempt and feeling more miserable with each failure. This program has flipped the switch for me. It has not only allowed me to lose weight without losing tone and condition, it has redefined my shape—I now have clavicles! If that was the only outcome, it would have been worth it. But there is so much more that it has done for me. I am in complete control of my eating now and I no longer have an “off a diet on a diet” mentality. I love eating the Consolidation way. I really enjoy fresh, whole, organic foods so much more than what I used to eat with the added bonus that it’s also so much better for the environment. The hardest thing to convince anyone of who has not experienced CURA is the amazing feeling of well being, true peace and happiness it brings. They think this is just a case of feeling better about yourself. But I know that it’s much more profound than that—something you just have to experience for yourself to understand. And all the health benefits—throw out the antacids, the osteo treatments and feel young again. Dance all night. Play all day. Life is wonderful!” All your generous praise makes us proud and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for urging us to share them with others. Love and blessings to each and every one of you...

Cura Changes Lives - Safe Natural Weight Loss

Transform Your Body: Discover How Cura's Unique Ability to Restore Brain Functions Can Aid Weight Loss

Conventional diets for shedding unwanted depend on self-denial and willpower. They are full of complex methods for dealing with what is commonly known as cheating. Here's an example. Say you go off your diet by eating a piece of chocolate cake. Then you're supposed to tell yourself, "Never mind, tomorrow I'll skip dinner to make up for it." Except that by the time tomorrow arrives, you've developed even more cravings for even more chocolate, carby stuff and sugary drinks. Anybody trying to lose weight this way is doomed to fail. As soon as their diet ends any fat they've shed begins slowly but surely to creep back on. Then they're back where they started. Cura is different Cura is different. Let me tell you how. The secret behind Cura's life-changing success rate is hidden deep within the brain. Yes, really. Here's how it works. On any Cura program, unwanted fat is shed not as the result of strenuous effort or willpower but gently and progressively thanks to Cura's unique ability to restore healthy functioning to the control centers in your brain. Few people—this includes the majority of scientists—even know that the body's fat regulating system is located in an area of the mid-brain called the diencephalon. Probably the most sensitive and complex locus of control in the body, it houses a collection of vital structures including the thalamus, hypothalamus, and pituitary which govern emotions, stress and moods. It oversees the entire autonomic nervous system. The hypothalamus itself links directly to the nervous and endocrine systems via the pituitary. It regulates both hunger and thirst and, with the help of the other members of the diencephalon team, decides whether your body is to lay down fat or shed unwanted fat on your body. Other powerful centers in this area of the brain determine mental functions and emotional balance—even the perceptions we have about ourselves along with heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, electrolyte balance, sexuality and our sleep cycles. Following Cura's specific food protocol and using the Essential Spray—from beginning to end—allows these control centers to function correctly. This is how natural, progressive, effective fat burning takes place without willpower or manipulation. Cura's celebrated success is both as simple and as profound as this. not your fault What few of us realize is that unwanted fat, insulin resistance and the blood sugar issues that come with them are not their fault. Nor are they some accident of fate. These things occur as a result of vital control centers of the brain not functioning as they are meant to in a healthy body. And what messes up the functioning of these control centers? This is important: For more than 70 years we have been misinformed and let astray by governments, pharmaceutical companies and multinational food corporations. We've been told that the way to stay lean and healthy is by following a low-fat high carb diet. We have eaten artificially made foods promoted by the media, multinational food manufacturers and governments. We've told to buy and eat convenience foods, chockablock with carbohydrates, sugars and chemicals. increase in degenerative diseases Doing this has resulted in the rampant increase in degenerative diseases and the widespread dependence on dangerous pharmaceuticals, used only to suppress symptoms but unable to bring true healing to the body. High carb low-fat eating is a major cause of worldwide obesity, addictions and food cravings, as well as the struggles so many experience trying to lose weight. This includes feelings of hopelessness, confusion, self-blame and fear that they will never be able to shed excess fat from our bodies, keep it off, and restore high-level health. Back in the mid-1940s, there were very few poisons sprayed on the foods we bought. They were organically grown on small farms. Today agriculture is big business in control of gigantic corporations whose only goal is fattening their bottom line. In animal farming, drugs such as antibiotics and hormones are injected to boost an animal's growth and cut down on feed requirements virtually all over the world. Residues of these drugs are as hazardous to your own health as they are to the animals that receive them. They undermine your vitality and make those of us with a tendency to gain weight get fat. The level of harm from exposure to pesticides, animal antibiotics and hormones is dose related. This means the more you consume, the greater your potential risk not only of illnesses and long-term degenerative conditions from Heart Disease and Cancer, to serious hormone disorders, depression, Alzheimer’s and distortions in the brain—in many cases from the time of birth to death. Meanwhile all this continues to increase exponentially. convenience foods The convenience foods that line the shelves of supermarkets everywhere are filled with pesticides, chemical additives and GMO. Corporations are intent on selling products that can themselves be destructive to life long term, rather than helping the public learn about the power of natural healing that is carried in the body itself. Eating these foods are responsible for insulin resistance, blood sugar issues and dangerous levels of obesity. If you want to shed excess fat from your body and restore high-level health we need to stop eating them and feeding them to our families. The goals of Cura online programs are two fold: First to guide you progressively through the natural process of shedding unwanted fat from your body. Second they show you how to build whole new ways of living and eating to set you free for to experience long term leanness and radiant health. To my knowledge, no other online program has ever been able to accomplish all this at such a scale. Do join one of our online programs and experience all this for yourself.

More Lies, Damned Lies And Statistics About Weight Loss

Uncovering Deception Behind Obesity: $200M Study Proves Authority Wrong

The World Health Organization predicts that by 2015 there will be 2.3 billion overweight adults in the world, more than 700 million of whom will be obese. At the same time, it is estimated that by 2015 the global weight loss and diet management products and services market will reach $671.8 billion We are told to eat less fat, take more exercise, pull ourselves together and develop some willpower. We do as we’re told, buy more ‘diet foods’, lose some weight and put it all back on again. WHAT’S GOING ON? Traci Mann, UCLA associate professor of psychology, published a study in American Psychologist in April 2007. "What happens to people on diets in the long run? Would they have been better off to not go on a diet at all?” Mann asked. “We decided to dig up and analyze every study that followed people on diets for two to five years. We concluded most of them would have been better off not going on the diet at all. Their weight would be pretty much the same, and their bodies would not suffer the wear and tear from losing weight and gaining it all back." (Mann, T., et al, Medicare’s Search for Effective Obesity Treatments: Diet’s are Not the Answer. American Psychologist, Vol 6, No3, 220-233). In the meantime, purveyors of low-fat snacks and low-calorie ready meals make millions out of us all. DECEPTION RULES Virtually all obesity research carried out in the past 70 years has been conducted on the belief that, to quote the Surgeon General of the Unites States, “overweight and obesity are the result of excess calorie consumption and/or inadequate physical activity.” This assumption is beginning to develop all the earmarks of a fundamentalist religion. For more than a decade, the National Institute of Health in the United States has been funding trials to the tune of $150 million in an attempt to discover if "lifestyle modification" can prevent metabolic syndrome, obesity, and adult onset diabetes. All their trials have been based on these conventional false beliefs about weight control, which are highly inaccurate. At the moment, the National Institute of Health in the United States is spending $200 million on a long trial which they have named "Look Ahead". According to psychologist John Foreyt, one of the trial's investigators, the goal of this research is to test an absurd hypothesis that "overweight diabetics will be healthier if they lose weight"—an absurd thing to be doing research on since anyone with an ounce of common sense knows full well that diabetics and anyone else overweight becomes healthier if they shed the excess fat they are carrying. This, by the way, is "the largest, most expensive trial ever funded by NIH for obesity outcome research". HERE’S THE GEN There is voluminous nonsense taught about obesity, not only through the media, but even through published findings of trained scientists and doctors who should know better. If ever you decide to take time out and to plough through the voluminous research and declarations about obesity, its causes and its cure—as I have done virtually ad nauseam—you will discover a number of important conclusions about the cause of weight gain, and the difficulties of making weight loss permanent, demand to be drawn. Some of them will surprise you, I think, because we have all been brainwashed to believe the inaccurate nonsense which continues to be fed to us by the media, food manufacturers and Big Pharma. Just for starters let’s correct a few widespread common beliefs here and now: Obesity is NOT a disorder caused by lack of exercise. Nor will intense exercise prevent or cure overweight. Obesity is NOT caused by overeating or lack of will power. As the prestigious National Academy of Sciences report Diet and Health points out, “most studies comparing normal and overweight people suggest that those who are overweight eat fewer calories than those of normal weight.” Overweight and obesity are states of excess fat accumulation as a result of an, as yet officially unidentified, disequilibrium in the hormonal regulation of fat metabolism. This is the major issue which must be addressed by genuine researchers (of which, alas, there are too few around) if we are to conquer the horrific epidemic of chronic overweight worldwide. HELP NEEDED NOW To my knowledge, only one scientist chose to spend 40 years of his life grappling with the fundamental issues of obesity, its causes, its symptoms and its essential nature—A.T.W. Simeons. After doing specialized work with thousands of patients, he concluded that the accumulation of excess fat on the body is the RESULT of a metabolic disorder—a functional abnormality in an area of the brain which lies at the center of hormonal control, within the autonomic nervous system. He then proceeded to identify the means of restoring balanced functioning to this area, thereby allowing the body naturally to shed its inessential fat and restore the harmony on which radiant health depends. It was he who created Cura Romana—the Roman Cure—more than half a century ago. Unwittingly, his discoveries have challenged the nonsense promulgated by food manufacturers, posing a serious economic threat to the sale of potentially dangerous slimming drugs sold by multi-national pharmaceutical companies. As a result his work was vilified, discredited, and attacked by the powers-that-be for the past 60 years. It still is now—more than ever. This is a profound pity, since there is an urgent need for an inexpensive, effective treatment for the 2.3 billion obese in the world, whose lives and wellbeing are in deep need of help. It’s time for all of us to learn the truth about the foods we eat and their relationship not only to obesity, but degenerative diseases from cancer to coronary heart disease, diabetes and many more. I’ll tackle this next week so stay tuned ‘cause it matters to all of our lives whether we happen to be thin or fat, at 8, 14, 35 or 80 years old. Stay tuned…

Want More Energy, More Health, A More Beautiful Body?

The Surprising Truth About Grains: What 75-80% of All People Need to Know

I want to share with you some information that could literally change your life in two weeks. It is this: Grains and grain products are probably not good for you - except only occasionally in very small quantities. However, for more than 75% of the population of the Western world, they appear to be no good at all. Why? They quickly turn to glucose, lower your energy levels, create cravings and addictive eating behavior, and trigger insulin release contributing to metabolic syndrome - otherwise known as syndrome X - as well as fostering all sorts of other health issues including high cholesterol high blood pressure cancer obesity celiac disease Many grains and foods - not just wheat - contain gluten. These include: wheat oats rye barley spelt most of our processed foods Thanks to a fascinating new medical study reported in the Gastroenterology journal, we now know that the damage grains have been doing to our bodies all along has increased exponentially in the past 50 years. More important news: It is not just gluten that undermines the health of most of us. 75-80 percent of all people improve dramatically by avoiding all grains. Avoiding grain-based products is one good step in the right direction. However, glucose intolerance is only part of the issue. For more information about putting it all in practice read The PowerHouse Diet.

Leslie Kenton's Cura Romana Journey - Life In The Zone

Rediscover In The Zone - Rejuvenate & DE-AGE with Cura Romana Journey!

Athletes have a great phrase: “in the zone”. They use it to describe an almost perfect state of maximum mental, physical, and psychological performance—a sense of total wellbeing. Children experience it. Yet as we get older, we tend to lose it. CURA ROMANA JOURNEY is designed to help you regenerate your energy, rejuvenate your body and rediscover the joys of living "in the zone": As you travel through your own unique journey and complete Consolidation, you are likely to find that your body and mind are more relaxed—more at ease. You feel more and more centered, focused and dynamic. Your skin gradually gets smoother and begins to glow from within; your muscles grow firm and strong; your movements are fluid; your eyes shine; and when you awaken in the morning you feel excitement about the day ahead as a child does. Cura Romana Journey - DE-AGING HAS BEGUN Looking good and feeling great have nothing to do with how old you are as measured in years. They reflect a metabolic state in which your system is balanced and working at peak efficiency. This can happen at any age and is the goal of rejuvenation and something that can build and build in your own life by using what you have learned about yourself and your body from the journey you have made. It’s all about rejuvenation. And rejuvenation is a very real phenomenon. It can not only be experienced subjectively as you watch it happening to you, it can also be measured objectively in black and white clinical terms. Aging experts world-wide agree on certain biomarkers of aging. These are simple tests used to establish a person's biological rather than chronological age. They range from measurements of vital capacity—how much air you can expel in a certain time—to visual acuity and reaction time, to fasting glucose levels, blood cholesterol HDL and LDL, blood pressure, skin elasticity, and hormone levels. FREEDOM RULES As a body becomes rejuvenated, such measurements return to more youthful levels. Once this happens it is far less likely that you will fall prey to small illness like colds, flu, and allergic reactions. If you do become ill it tends to be a milder illness. When it comes to chronic illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes and other degenerative conditions, living in the zone helps keep you protected from them all, as it does from premature aging. Every aging expert worth his salt will tell you, by the way, that most of what we call aging is premature and avoidable. The aim of Consolidation and ever after is simple: Continue to make use of the natural means to continue to support your body’s own natural health-enhancing powers. Nourish body and soul by flooding your system with healing factors and subtle energies drawn from natural foods, natural movement, stimulation from hot and cold water, and transformative anti-stress mind tools. Used together, they help keep you on track you by continuing to clear both mental and physical rubbish which could interfere with normal metabolism, suppress your natural vitality, and impede the full expression of the unique, magnificent human being that you are. This is the first major step in rejuvenating body, mind and spirit. Cura Romana has created a new way forward for you. Let what you have experienced on the program, and learned about yourself and your body, enable you to forge your own unique, natural lifestyle so you can continue the process of de-aging year after year.

Leslie Kenton’s Cura Romana®

Fast, Healthy Weight Loss

Leslie Kenton’s Cura Romana® has proudly supported 20,000+ weight loss journeys over the past 16 years. With an overall average daily weight loss of 0.5 - 0.6 lb for women and 0.8 - 1.0 lb for men.

Yesterday’s Average Daily Weight Loss:

on the 24th of April 2024 (updated every 12 hours)

-0.59 lb
for women
-0.97 lb
for men
-0.59 lb
for women
-0.97 lb
for men

Yesterday’s Average Daily Weight Loss:

on the 24th of April 2024 (updated every 12 hours)

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