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Your Cat Deserves 9 Lives

Discover How to Keep Your Cat Healthy & Living Longer: Raw Diet Miracle Proven by Dr. Pottenger

Do you want your cat to live a long, happy life, free from cancer, kidney disease and other unnecessary illnesses that create suffering? Fifty years ago, I discovered the secret of raising healthy cats who live up to 23 years or more, and die naturally of old age. Let me share it with you. What we feed our animals from birth onwards determines the length of their lives and the quality of their health. Most animals are fed on junk pet food. And don’t be deceived by all the quasi-scientific language that adorns packages of pet foods in an attempt to convince you how excellent they are supposed to be. They are not, no matter how much you pay for them. It’s little wonder that our beautiful creatures die early from all sorts of dreadful illnesses, none of which are “normal” experiences of natural aging. You see, just as the human world is filled with manufactured, packaged convenience foods and pharmaceuticals—all of which do far more harm than the public realizes—so is the pet world filled with junk we are urged to feed our cats and dogs on. Some fifty years ago, I learned all about this thanks to a cat named Mistletoe. She was a beautiful little Siamese who gave birth to two litters of perfect kittens. But Mistletoe was not strong. So I took her to the vet, who told me she needed an injection of anabolic steroids. It helped for a while. But two months later, I had to take her to the vet again for a second injection. This made me furious. My anger led me to read everything I could get my hands on in an attempt to discover what natural foods cats—from tigers and lions to tiny kittens—had been eating for millennia. Before long, my searches led me to Dr Francis Pottenger MD’s unparalleled research into animal health. Known for his success healing humans, Pottenger believed that—given half a chance—any living body, be it human or animal, is capable of healing itself naturally. For ten years, he carried out clinical trials on 900 cats that he and his team monitored down 9 generations. He split them into two groups. To group one he fed only raw meat, including organ meats, bones, raw milk, and a little cod liver oil. To group two, instead of raw, he fed the same foods but cooked. They got cooked meats, pasteurized—that is, heat-treated—milk, and cod liver oil. Then he traced the health and behavior of both groups down an amazing nine generations. All of the foods he fed all cats were organic, of course, because back in the 1940s when he carried out his research, virtually all foods were. Group one cats, who got only raw food, became healthier and healthier with each year that passed. They had no birth problems, nor did they develop any health issues during the nine year period of the study. These fortunate cats died late in life from simple old age. Meanwhile, group two cats—who got the same food except that it was cooked—started developing health problems, right from the first generation. These included death of kittens, smaller litter sizes, poor mothering behavior, scruffy coats—you name it. The second generation of group two cats started to show signs of allergies, gingivitis, inflamed joints, dermatitis, poor vision, and skeletal malformation. Their fertility dropped, as did their litter size. Perinatal mortality increased. Their calcium bone density fell from 17% at the beginning of the research to 4% by the fourth generation. Even the behavior of group two cats was affected. They became more aggressive to handlers and to one another. By the ninth generation, many of group two became sterile. And, because, by then, they had stopped reproducing, Pottenger’s trial had to be stopped. Meanwhile, group one cats continued to thrive. Learning about Pottenger’s work was all it took for me to decide that my beautiful little Mistletoe was never again going to be fed any form of “cat food”, be it in a can or dried, again—so she would never have to go to the vet again. She never did. I started feeding her entirely on a little cod liver oil, raw milk or cream, raw organic meats and offal, liver, wild rabbit, as well as a source of minerals which I call cat pâté. This I make in my Vitamix by grinding up organic chicken carcasses in a little water. Little Mistletoe went from strength to strength. She never looked back. She finally died at the age of 22. She was never sick. One day I noticed she was not interested in eating any more, but she still wanted to drink water. In another three or four days, she no longer wanted to drink. She spent more time alone resting, but she still wanted to be held and given love. When she was ready to let go, she died in my arms—calm and peaceful. Mistletoe not only taught me to reject all of the propaganda which tries to convince us that our animals need manufactured foods and pharmaceuticals to stay healthy—far from it. She even taught me about the nature of dying itself. It can be a peaceful blessing surrounded by those who love you, whether an animal or a human being. What I learned from Mistletoe half a century ago has stood me in good stead. Since then, I have raised and nurtured many vibrantly healthy cats and other animals. With each day that passes, I still give thanks for all that my animal friends continue to teach me. This is not only about how to help them stay healthy life-long. They’ve taught me to listen to their own innate wisdom and never to assume that, as a human being, I know better than they do. I’ve come to love and respect them in ways I once would never have dreamed possible. I suggest you read the wonderful little book that Pottenger wrote about his research with 900 cats. I think you can find it for free on the internet. It just might change your life for the better, as well as the lives of your beloved creatures. It has most certainly changed ours.

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