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water and weight loss - Tap Into Water Power

Lose Weight with Water: 8 Glasses to Detox & End Water Retention

More than anything else on earth except air to breathe, your body needs water for energy, for health, and for beauty. The water you drink plays a major part in your ability to digest your foods and absorb nutrients, thanks to enzymes which are themselves mostly water. If you fail to drink enough water between meals, your mouth becomes low in saliva and digestion suffers. Water is also the medium through which wastes are eliminated from your body. Each time you exhale you release highly humidified air—about two big glasses worth a day. Your kidneys and intestines eliminate another 6 or so glasses every 24 hours, while another 2 glasses worth are released through the pores of your skin. That makes 8 glasses a day—and this is on a cool day. When it gets hot, when you are exercising, or when you are working hard, the usual 10 glasses lost in this way can triple. On average, in a temperate climate—not sweating from exertion or heat—we need about 6 pints a day for optimal health, although few of us consume as much as 2. The important thing to remember is that how thirsty you are is not a reliable indication of how much water you need to drink. If you want to grow lean and stay that way you need to do as French women have done for decades. Keep a large bottle or 2 of pure, fresh mineral water on your desk and make sure you consume your quota of this clear, delicious, health-giving drink. Here's how to figure it:

water and weight loss MAGIC

Divide your current weight in kilos by 8. If you weigh 58 kilos, then 58 divided by 8 equals 7.25 big glasses. Then round the figure upwards to the next glass and there you have it: 8 glasses a day. But remember that is only a base calculation for a cool day. You will need a lot more during exercise, or on a hot day. Provided you do not suffer from a kidney or liver disease, drinking 8 big glasses or more of water a day not only helps you lose weight and keep it off permanently; it improves the functioning of your whole body. There is another way in which drinking optimal quantities of water plays a central role in detoxifying the body for regeneration. It has to do with your kidneys. The kidneys are responsible for recycling all the water in your body—some 800 glasses of it a day—and for filtering out any wastes present before they can lower immunity, create fatigue, or make you feel hungry even though you have had enough to eat, and cause the kind of water retention which plagues so many who have gone on and off slimming diets for years. The filtering mechanism responsible for all this in the kidneys is made up of millions of microscopic bodies known as glomeruli. They identify waste products such as urea which need to be removed, as well as screening out other chemicals and unwanted metals and minerals, while at the same time pouring back into the bloodstream the minerals you do need and regulating your body's acid-alkaline balance.


When some part of you needs more water, your kidneys make sure it arrives. For instance, when you are hot and sweating, a message is sent to the pituitary gland in the head telling it to release the anti-diuretic hormone which in turn tells your kidneys to let more water be reabsorbed into the blood. Your urine at such times can become highly concentrated and a dark color. But provided you replenish the water you are losing in sweat by drinking more, your kidneys remain happy and well-functioning, and the appetite/thirst messages from your brain do not become confused. When your body's water level gets too low, however, from not drinking enough, your kidneys cannot carry out their cleansing efficiently and the liver's role in detoxification becomes overburdened. Water is also the world's best natural diuretic. If your body tends to retain water, this is often because you don't drink enough, so it tries its best to hold on to the water there is. Once you do begin to drink enough, this tendency to water logging decreases and usually disappears completely. And by the way, if you are worried about puckered thighs, the best way to help eliminate them easily is simply to drink more water. Keep a liter and a half bottle on your desk or in your room and see that you drain it every day, regardless of whatever else you drink. Our next foray into water power will look at the vital issue facing all of us today in our polluted world: How to provide for yourself and your family real pure water— free of contamination and full of living vitality that is imparted to you when you drink it. Coming soon...

Leslie Kenton’s Cura Romana®

Fast, Healthy Weight Loss

Leslie Kenton’s Cura Romana® has proudly supported 20,000+ weight loss journeys over the past 17 years. With an overall average daily weight loss of 0.5 - 0.6 lb for women and 0.8 - 1.0 lb for men.

Yesterday’s Average Daily Weight Loss:

on the 21st of February 2025 (updated every 12 hours)

-0.53 lb
for women
-0.93 lb
for men
-0.53 lb
for women
-0.93 lb
for men

Yesterday’s Average Daily Weight Loss:

on the 21st of February 2025 (updated every 12 hours)
