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Resonance Beings of Frequency

Resonance: Discover How Man-Made Radiation Harms Our Health

This Documentary is well worth watching. It is a real eye opener into the world that we live in and the Electro magnetic radiation that our bodies are forced to handle on a daily basis. Below I have included a brief description about this remarkable documentary: RESONANCE is a sensational eye opening documentary which reveals the harm we are doing by existing in an ocean of man made wireless frequencies.


Two billion years ago life first arrived on this planet; a planet, which was filled with a natural frequency. As life slowly evolved, it did so surrounded by this frequency. and Inevitably, it began tuning in. By the time mankind arrived on earth an incredible relationship had been struck; a relationship that science is just beginning to comprehend. Research is showing that being exposed to this frequency is absolutely integral to us. It controls our mental and physical health, it synchronises our circadian rhythms, and it aids our immune system and improves our sense of wellbeing. Not only are we surrounded by natural frequencies, our bodies are filled with them too. Our cells communicate using electro magnetic frequencies. Our brain emits a constant stream of frequencies and our DNA delivers instructions, using frequency waves. Without them we couldn't exist for more than a second. This delicate balance has taken billions of years to perfect. But over the last 25 years the harmony has been disturbed. and disturbed dramatically. Mankind has submerged itself in an ocean of artificial frequencies. They are all around us, filling the air and drowning out the earth's natural resonance. To the naked eye the planet appears to be the same. But at a cellular level it is the biggest change that life on earth has endured; the affects of which we are just starting to see and feel.

Plot Outline

The documentary is told through 60 years science and tells the full story of how life on earth is threatened by the man made wireless frequencies that we live submerged in. The film reveals how we have developed an amazing connection to the natural frequencies of the planet. connections which have been measured in science for 60 years and control our mental and physical health. it shows how all life has a magnetic sense through a protein cell called a crypto chrome. it proves that the demise of so many creatures is connected to the mobile phone explosion and reveals for the very first time the actual mechanism by which man made wireless frequencies are causing us ALL harm. This documentary was created by flatfrogfilms

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Yesterday’s Average Daily Weight Loss:

on the 26th of March 2025 (updated every 12 hours)
