Easy to follow
Works and is quite easy to follow once you read itKaren in United Kingdom (lost 45.42 lb on Cura Romana)
See and feel
You will see and feel a difference if you follow itRebecca in United Kingdom (lost 14.22 lb on Cura Romana)
Very extensive weight loss program
Very extensive weight loss program that has been very well researched and planned.Wonderful support from creators of the plan all the way though thank you.More than just a weight loss program it shows you a whole new way of looking at the food we eat and how it effects our body.It's like a whole new reset for the body and what you eat.However most importantly it really worksAmanda in Australia (lost 21.72 lb on Cura Romana)
love myself and my body
Because it has helped me tremendously to understand/love myself and my bodyLucie in New Zealand (lost 6.28 lb on Cura Romana)
Feel so healthy
Feel so healthy, breath so easily, clear headAniela in Ireland
physically and emotionally
It took me a week before I started to relax into the plan and trust it. It was a very intense experience for me physically and emotionally. I lost such a lot of weight and I was amazed that my body coped remarkably well. Spiritually, I now feel much closer to my true self and much happier and, of course, much lighter.Sally in United Kingdom (lost 31.00 lb on Cura Romana)
The plan - with the spray - really works.
Second time of using Cura Romana Weight Loss Plan. I initially lost several stone whilst - and after - using the Essential Spray and over the year my weight rose slightly then naturally maintained - three stone lighter than when I commenced the protocol. Exactly as was predicted. I am using the spray again and rather haphazardly following the plan this time (it isn't easy) - but again I'm changing shape and loosing unwanted weight. I am confident my weight will drop and then as I return to 'normal eating' I will naturally maintain at a new lower weight. I personally cannot cope with the strictness of the recommended dietry restriction without the encouragement of the Essential Spray. Of course you could loose weight by eating too little - and I have tried this - but with the spray combined with the controlled amount of food intake (which is only initially for three weeks) it shows more obviouse good results and it is easier to follow the maintaince programme for the next few weeks and discover that your body really has changed - and continues to change - to its new chosen weight. I say that a restricted diet OR the spray on their own will not give as good or as permanant a result as when the whole protocol and the spray are combined - so you need the book to follow the plan too. The spray doesn't taste or smell unpleasant either.JIVER in United Kingdom
giving me back my life
I know I am not the first to say it, but thank you Leslie & Aaron for giving me back my life. I have been waiting for this for such a long time.Sally in United Kingdom (lost 31.00 lb on Cura Romana)
It works again and again!!
It works!!Anita in United Kingdom (lost 65.70 lb on Cura Romana)
feeling great. I thank you
I’m at 17.5 kg less now! And feeling great. I thank you 🙏🏻❤️🌟Rachel in Netherlands (lost 38.58 lb on Cura Romana)