Very easy to follow to get results
Very easy to follow to get results. Also I love learning more about how my body works.Cheryl in Canada (lost 22.40 lb on Cura Romana)
reaching into the authentic core of myself
When I stumbled upon Leslie's invitation on her website to learn more about Cura Romana I was excited by the very notion of combining a way of letting go permanently of the excess weight I have been carrying for many years with reaching into the authentic core of myself to see what awaited me. I found Cura Romana at exactly the right time in my life and it has fulfilled its every promise at every level. Thank you Leslie and Aaron, your beautiful Cura Romana website is a call to higher things.Claire in United Kingdom (lost 20.00 lb on Cura Romana)
mental cleanse
the balance of mental and physical health you go through a transformation not just by dropping weight but by mental cleanse as well, with easy to follow guides and tools to support you every day.Claire in Australia (lost 8.38 lb on Cura Romana)
loving my body
I am truly grateful for your wonderful support and encouragement as I took the exciting Cura Romana Journey. I thought it was just about losing weight, but how wrong I was. I addressed my addiction to food (that I did not even know I had), I connected with myself, I started loving my body probably for the first time, and have learned to say 'no' more often in my life. Oh, and I also lost 7 kilos. Now I am focused on my new relationship with food and am enjoying eating and planning meals. I don't let anyone or any situation sabotage me now as I feel I'm in control and have the ability and information to make healthy decisions for my wellbeing. Thank you Leslie and Aaron again so much for all your knowledge and loving, gentle support.Rosalie in New Zealand (lost 15.00 lb on Cura Romana)
sense of confidence
Before beginning Cura Romana I felt excited but at the same time a little anxious that it might not succeed for me. I was very motivated, however, especially when I witnessed such a marked weightloss. Sometimes I felt a little hungry but I allowed myself a large apple and orange and really savored them. My weightloss continued to make me feel elated. This brought with it a sense of confidence, satisfaction and anticipation of even better things to come in my life. I felt a great sense of calmness and a desire to slow down and spend more time by myself. Physically it was a joy to feel lighter and more flexible and to have clothes feeling lose.Maureen in New Zealand (lost 26.40 lb on Cura Romana)
Five Stars
Brilliant i lost 30 poundsGillian in United Kingdom (lost 30.00 lb on Cura Romana)
enormous relief
I have done the program and have been amazed at the results. Initially I thought it sounded a bit too good to be true. Aaron & Leslie makes some very high claims: rapid and safe weight loss, no cravings, increased well-being including increased energy, awareness and clarity, and long-term stabilisation of weight loss. Sounds like a dream! Well, surprisingly, shockingly: it works! It's like a whole new chapter in the world of healthy nutrition. I am one of those people that has tried pretty much every diet there is on the planet. They usually promise a lot but don't deliver. This is quite different. Of course with every diet there are two elements, clarifying what you are meant to eat and dealing with cravings to eat other things that you are not meant to eat. With Cura Romana, the cravings just aren't there. That's what makes it completely different from anything else I have ever tried. Thank you Leslie & Aaron! (I lost 28 pounds by the way)Ann in United Kingdom (lost 28.00 lb on Cura Romana)
THANK YOU for everything
I wanted to say THANK YOU for everything...big time now, very happy with this journey.Jane in Ireland (lost 18.81 lb on Cura Romana)
I did not expect to find myself
I lost all the weight I was hoping to lose in the first 23 days, yet I did not expect to find myself developing greater levels of compassion towards myself in the process. I found the program to be very manageable in unexpected ways - feeling guided and supported and gently becoming aware of my own deeper needs and a sense of self en route. I know of no other approach to weight loss that both works and brings with it these life-enhancing qualities and for that I am, and will continue to be, hugely grateful.Debbie in United Kingdom (lost 14.00 lb on Cura Romana)
It really works!!
It really works!!Rachel in Netherlands (lost 24.47 lb on Cura Romana)